Can that even store any missiles?
the m-151 could carry like 3 tows total (IIRC), 4 if they basically ghost loaded it (round in the “chamber”) and 3 more loaded on board
Im not a huge fan of it either but it’s WW2 vehicles which are always fun to see.
Anything else leaked/confirmed?
British Hesh Atgm launcher
ew hesh XD (yes I know the british like hesh irl it just sucks in game)
StuG IV and B24 Late when?
I mean, they probably could find room to carry one or two additional missiles, but as far as I know they didn’t store any in or on the trucks themselves
They were meant to receive new missiles via airdrops IRL
TT flame thrower 75 sherman? might be the most useful flame thrower in game.
trailer time bois
Doesnt really need it due to the new ammo replenishment system
I agree with that.
I would much rather have a CTA40 carrier for France than the Leclerc XLR or any other variant. That would honestly make my day, my weak, and probably my month.
Unless if a premium MBT is considered for the future since France still lacks a rank 7 premium. Then I’d be OK with a MBT.
didnt that have its 75mm replaced with a flame thrower? or was it the coax mg that got replaced?
Some had the hull mg, others the coax, depends on the variant, there was a flamethrower stuart as well btw
Stuart Satan and Matilda Frog when?
Well there were many different variations of the sherman. (sad we don’t see more)
diff ones with flamethrowers
This would be strong because it faces a lot of open top swedish tanks at its BR.
• “Born of two worlds, but at home in one” → The J-15 is based on the Russian Su-33 but was developed in China, blending Russian and Chinese technology.
• “I protect the waves, the land, the air” → The J-15 is a carrier-based fighter, capable of operating over land and sea.
• “My nature is familiar, yet alien at the same time” → The Su-33’s design is familiar, but China’s modifications make it unique.
• “My ancestors are similar to me, but their name is not” → The Su-33 and J-15 share a lineage but have different names.
• “My pair of wings large, my gaze reaches far” → The J-15 has large wings for carrier operations and long-range combat capabilities.
• “Rumors, speculation, whispers in the wind - who tells me when my days will come?” → The J-15’s future is debated due to China’s development of the more advanced J-35 stealth carrier fighter.