Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

That makes me think it could be added sorta like an aim120a/b thing, but r77-1 is much better in the files than r77 so they’re not the same.

well that would be an lie because
A: we have them allready
B: snail did not care back then…

Found there comment

No, it is an antiradiation missile, hence I said that since they dont require much effort to make the model, gaijin would just make the model alongside missiles so its less work when ARM comes to the game. Similar to how there is a standard ARM.

Not all Cruiser tanks are light tanks, but the Crusader definitely is one

If we went with Britains designations from the time, the Valentine would also be a heavy, but it is a medium, despite being an Infantry tank

when jeep?

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Humber Hornet, pretty please

@Smin1080p_WT i am once again asking will I require more popcorn today?


They say they don’t differ much but the r77-1 has over 1000 more delta v than r77 in the files. brings it up to mica level of delta v.

you do realise that those current stats on them are VERY likely just placeholder and not finished values?

Maybe the R-77-1 has better seaker compared to aim120A, being a 2015 missile. In this comment they talk about energy. This might be a reason they didn’t put it in the game yet.

SU-30SM, am I right?

Considering it has a sustainer in the files it doesnt have irl, i could see that.

Humber Hornet

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bruh what the hell??? is that russian? it looks so cursed.

Bri’ish jeep-like truck with ATGM launchers

so basically a british jeep TOW launcher?



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Looks like the Zolim Tiger (idk how to spell it)

Also good morning just saw dev blog this updates looking great!

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Youd be surprised what we brits can do lol

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Not really a fan of the Harry Hopkins, but it is a WW2 addition and that’s a great thing to see