Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Honestly im cool with lower tier lame SAMs.

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Eh hopefully people notice the wolverine. LAV II chassis with triple alvis javelin sam, not the best in any attributes but that allows it to be at a lower BR than most SACLOS SAMs.

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Can we expect more popcorn today?

Reject javelin, embrace blowpipe.

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yeah and tbf there are planes with guided weapons at 8.7 or at least the last time I played there was, so only seems fair to me

Reject javelin, embrace real javelin.


Manual guided SAM? Unless you give me a krug

The real javelin


The REAL Javelin



1A2 is at 9.7 and Stinger slingers can easily get clapped by helicopters because they’re out of range.
2.5M isn’t that slow as well, especially if their motor doesn’t burn out immediately.

I can never see where im going flying that

not them plastic glue finger prints nooooooooo ;(

My tweezers got stuck to the thing had to use my hands to free them

the new rat is genuinely a good addition i think

Please do not.

Blwpipe sounds like a nightmare.

That thing has a minor issue of no info.

All that really exists is this photo:



There was a table sent with AA weapons info, in the thread for it in the Canada server, but it doesn’t confirm or deny it’s existence.

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If country will buy right to production other countries vehicles for export, Can be these vehicles added in this country TT/SubT?

a man is running down a street holding an american flag and says merica .


If this is about the Pantsir, we don’t know what an Indian production one would look like, I don’t believe they’re just manufacturing copies of the Russian one, but are developing it further as well

Also India want USA striker