Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Just suggested this, and a few other pack examples, what do you guys think


if we get a mark one with no proxy and it being limited to less then 8km I can see it being sub 9.0

What would be the maximum speed of the missile ?

Battle of Britain pack, 1 for Britain and 1 for Germany, germanys being something like a 109, stuka and he111, Britains being a spitfire, hurricane and a gladiator or something for variety idk

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Yeah you could split it lets say £30 per pack if you get them together you get a discount £50 for both

The premium bundle packs really need to be expanded upon, utilise the Player profiles, background images and frames.

Yeah, or make it just a single unified pack with all of the above in

Nah, we all know it’s going to be 10.0/10.3

the number im finding for the Mk1 is mach 2.5

I would riot the Roland 1 is at 9.7 and would be better in every way lmao

Need a link to that so I can vote YES!!

Hopefully it will get passed (currently pending) so i can give you guys the link once approved.

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Here’s the 2nd part of the pack idea

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Second devblog today?

what the hell is that, that’s a fast boi!!

This is the Machine that @Smin1080p_WT was talking about looking forward too 8P

Huh, I told you so )


Do you have the bigger (expanded) leak list, from that image

These dev blogs never answer the most important question

How’s the lumbar support for the driver?

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Great that it is in French tree as it should be.


Your still going to get some people complaining.