Just suggested this, and a few other pack examples, what do you guys think
if we get a mark one with no proxy and it being limited to less then 8km I can see it being sub 9.0
What would be the maximum speed of the missile ?
Battle of Britain pack, 1 for Britain and 1 for Germany, germanys being something like a 109, stuka and he111, Britains being a spitfire, hurricane and a gladiator or something for variety idk
Yeah you could split it lets say £30 per pack if you get them together you get a discount £50 for both
The premium bundle packs really need to be expanded upon, utilise the Player profiles, background images and frames.
Yeah, or make it just a single unified pack with all of the above in
Nah, we all know it’s going to be 10.0/10.3
the number im finding for the Mk1 is mach 2.5
I would riot the Roland 1 is at 9.7 and would be better in every way lmao
Need a link to that so I can vote YES!!
Hopefully it will get passed (currently pending) so i can give you guys the link once approved.
Second devblog today?
what the hell is that, that’s a fast boi!!
This is the Machine that @Smin1080p_WT was talking about looking forward too 8P
Huh, I told you so )
Do you have the bigger (expanded) leak list, from that image
These dev blogs never answer the most important question
How’s the lumbar support for the driver?
Great that it is in French tree as it should be.
Your still going to get some people complaining.