Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

i meant in game lol

even being lightly over 500mm of KE most top tier rounds are pushing 600mm so I doubt it will help very much, I dont think the Sep V3 is gonna be this saviour people think its gonna be lol

Ok then

I think the F-16 does better at higher speeds but the hornet is better at lower speeds

Sounds like a Marketing lie :P

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Eh it would at least stop the Abrams hull from being a lolpen for rounds going back to DM33 even.

Also it’ll be a new tank that is actually a somewhat meaningfull upgrade, unlike the SEPv2, so it will eventually help getting more actually good multi nation players returning to the US. Thus helping with their winrate.

The Leopard 2 PSO, which most would argue really wasn’t much (if at all) of an upgrade over the 2A6, but there was an increase in top tier German winrates after it was added.

I could see gaijin saying that lol

ZT3A2 fire on the move capability moment

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it still fat and still get penned tho

with the an F/A-18A+ or F/A-18C premium I doubt it, especially when they have what is it 3 or 4 top ground premiums now?

hopefully they fixed that before the introduction of this, would be a shame that we would have to be sitting still to shoot


it’ll be close between them; in game the Hornet should win because rate fighting doesn’t really happen in ARB, so AoA is usually king, and the Hornet has great low speed lift thanks to it being a carrier aircraft

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Yeah, it can pull more so if hornet has good aim it’ll win most of the time

Can’t the type 2 KA-MI have those ship parts like the KA-CHI?
I got the picture off the subreddit btw


I highly doubt that a 18A+/18C premium will have a large effect on US top tier ground winrates. Neither positive or negative.

Let’s be honest, most of the top tier premium cannonfodder can’t even get enough spawnpoints to spawn in them anyway.

I’m looking forward to using the M61A1 again, I’ve been on the J-10, and now Typhoon for a while, both of them have really poor guns, I miss the days of F-16A top tier where you’d still get a decent number of gun kills.

Though that is all assuming that there is a Desert Storm or earlier Hornet

It should be able to, but Gaijin doesn’t seem to care enough


youll have M61A2 on the super hornet, nice upgrade

The way they implemented Leopard 2A7’s armor, they will most likely use the most conservative estimates of a 30+ year old prototype.

In Leopard 2A7’s case, it was the 1990s’ Swedish trials test of a pre-Leopard 2A5 prototype.

I can see the future:

In M1A2 SEPv3’s case, it will likely be the +35% KE figure of a 1990s’ upgrade program proposal for M1A1.

So it will go from 370mm KE to 500mm KE.

And when we tell them: “hey, maybe the 2018 tank would probably have better armor than a program from the 1990s”, they will go: “gib source then lol”.

And regarding the turret, they will likely add only the equivalent KE effectiveness of the extra thickness

I guess that would still be better than nothing; which, Gaijin being Gaijin, is always a possibility…


yep the same thing with the challenger 2 lol but eh I cant be bothered to try and argue with them about it anymore


i wish they gave the Abrams a big engine and transmission overhaul with later A2 variants

so it could acheive 60+ mph the original abrams could hit