Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

on the launcher not in game

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May be a setting you activate before you launch the game

it works for me

Ok, my game also crashes whenever I try to enable Ray Tracing… XD

EDIT: but works upon restart- and wow!

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welp, time to hope for flanker fm fixes again
also, new music?

working on rough testing with rtx…

The new ship debris objects, which may or may not be related to submarines,
now have their own 3D models:


Anyone who owns Merkava Mk4M able to test if Trophy is still bugged?

Does Luchs have access to thermals and apds?

SU-34 can carry 6x R-27ET💀


just first impressions but whoever made the su34 flight model it feels AMAZING compared to how su27 was, so snappy and weighty

Enable everything and share a cool Abrams screenshot (reflection must)

Has anyone looked at Dunkerques bulkheads?

do wish that you just had access to the new stuff so you dont have to grind


Night and day.

Definitely what I am looking forward the most this update.

Just look at the shadows of the grass and trees… it improves graphics on vehicles and assets, but, most of all; enviornment, a field War Thunder was falling behind by a lot in my opinion.


Hoping they unfuck the rest of the flanker FMs while they’re at it but knowing Gaijin they might just nerf the su34 model to be as bad as the rest of them instead

USS Missispi nothing happening in test drive

7900x, 4070 ti, 4k, max settings DLAA… No RTX 100-95fps

Ultra - 70fps
High - 73fps
Medium - 84fps
Low - 74fps? - Can see ships normally

shhh, keep quiet, gaijin cant stand good russian fms, if they dont know we might actually get to keep it

Any datamines yet?

Lol, the F-15E doesn’t even have 120Bs in dev it “only” gets 120As, and considering they specifically stated it came with 120Bs in the blog that’s pretty sad.
I mean I know its only a cosmetic change but really Gaijin?