Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Would need to be one hell of a bingo though, because otherwise this thread would just speedrun it.

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Is there really a reason it shouldn’t come since there’s already multiple counterparts?

It’s probably THE defining US cold war jet

I’m all for adding the versions between f4s and f4e and earlier phantoms as well, USAF and USN + more cold war jets is always welcome

There a reason for it come yes, but not for the US but minor nations that needs it’s extra leg up.
Because this model is Turkish it would come either to Italy or Israel

Italy already got a leg up for air, they have multiple solid options at high BR

Israel is more or less the same as US, with the F-16C and F-15s it’s roughly the same capability in air to air

So does the US : P

So Israel it is then lmao

Clearly we need Turkish TT


Shocked face : 0 But but but C&P reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Called it lol

Not quite enough stuff to justify it’s own tree, it’s all just modified or plain export foreign stuff

Isreal on launch moment

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Doesn’t stop it being squadron ; )

Israel has a very strong domestic defense industry with lots of home grown upgrades and for ground, completely original vehicles. Turkey has none of that

That’s actually not a bad idea for israel

Sarcasm is not this ones strong point

I forgot i need to add /s and also say its a joke for people to maybe understand and not take it seriously /s ;)

Finally something we both agree on lol

Since we are on the topic isn’t it strange how Italy still hasn’t gotten a squadron vehicle yet even though we are now getting at least 3 per update

Probably getting one next major, everyone else got some

Not entirely, they got quite a bit of attention this year. I assume we’ll probably see one pop up soon enough just like how france got one. (Pls dont be a Cent 2, ill die)

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I hope it’s been too long tbh, I hope it’s not a F-104 though I can see Norva IAR 93 being it

So, is next Tuesday the most likely update day?


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