Old news. I think it was in the files for some time already.
New render option on launcher !!
ehh it was gonna be the rank 6 british ship but seeing as its repulse not really sure, maybe the luchs because im not sure how the tornado Gr4 is gonna preform yet
Direct 12 added
DX 12 ofc
This is the latest Dev opening I’ve seen a while
any info on when it up
If they add X-4 Ruhrstahl this update, ill forgive Gaijin all their transgressions and give some more sucker money for them.
F90 spammer spotted /jk
Is DEV server open yet?
As far as I know, it was unreadable with asset viewer if you use live client.
Not yet
it’s open for some. but not everyone apparently
this dev is cooking hard we might need to call Gorden to see if it’s raw still
it was literally just the vehicle I tested last Major
this piece of code was STILL running on DX11???
this is gonna improve performance for every PC made after 2015