Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

That 's what I believe the " Leclerc Autotracker " in the files will be for. Right now it 's an exact copy of the " BMP Autotracker " file that all IFV 's use to capture air targets, but since the Leclerc this unused file is named after does not have a similar capability, it 's easier to understand it as a placeholder for when ground-to-ground electro optical locking is implemented sometime later.


I WISH! Hopefully for the December update! (I doubt it would be coming this update at this point).

Whilst I love the look, I personally think it’s better for moving targets to have some difficulty to hit

It would still not b e easy; it would just give you the option to interact with modern systems so that modern machines feel more like modern machines.

That’s why I think it should come even if just letting you lock on targets to track them without giving you a lead!

Tomorrow Update yee?


I’m surprised Germany or Japan didn’t get a premium rank 7 jet this update. Germany is hurting at top tier right now for air.

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How would that even work with the dev being open until the 6th?




Let’s not start this again


They are adding the Su-22M4 WTD61 for germany as a premium (direct copy and paste of the tech tree version)

Im guessing we get the update Friday or Monday

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@Smin1080p_WT Good day Smin. Do we any information if it is possible to bind target pod controls to HOTAS just like we can do to radars? I would like to control the T-pod from inside the cockpit in Sim Battles.


Where are SPICE 1000, SPICE 2000 and Popeye for my F-15I now Gaijin?


Out of anything that could come to the game this is my most wanted feature. Actually able to used guided weapons inside of the cockpit would be much better for me personally than the dedicated TGP view.

But we would need the TGP MFD’s to be much more clearer than they are now and also a better ability to zoom the TGP camera instead of only having 2 options


@Smin1080p_WT since the Devs decided to ‘‘fix’’ the Leopard 2’s…
when can we expect these following fixes? cuz on those, you have ACTUAL CLIPPING

surely this wasnt a cherry picked ‘‘nerf’’ and the devs want to ‘‘fix’’ all tanks, yes?



Now I think I may actually look forward to F-15E!

How will it now compare to F-15C in the air-to-air department? Similar, or better?

I know it was MUCH worse with 220s because of the increased weight, but I wonder how it will be with 229, since it will now also have increased thrust!


Nah, just my speculative quips on what the rumoured Singapore subtree for China might be intended for since RSAF, like ROCAF, operates high-tier F-16s. I didn’t expect Mirage-2000Ei and J-10 to get situated into the same branch.

I am still somewhat disgruntled about combining medium fighters from both sides of the Strait into a single branch but will wait to see where we go from the Mirage.

does it lose mavs? cuz that’s a dealbreaker for me

#where Leopard 2 rework???