When people stop asking
(most likely the 12th)
When people stop asking
(most likely the 12th)
Next week ( as in, not the week that starts tomorrow but the one after)
Dev closes on 6th so most likely not this week for sure
Insert Gandalf meme here
Too long…
I can’t stand it that much.
Insert angry Austrian man hitting a table saying the number 9 lol
At least the wait is entertaining; one guy has posted like 300 messages in the last 12 hours. The word “Yamato” has been written about 1,500 times in that same time span lol
What happened here?
A LOT lol
did i miss anything funny
… Yeah nothing political about taiwan with china
This convo is over, we been warned and I will not continue this
Yugoslavia, Poland is just all copy and paste.
That just false m8 they have plenty of unique WW2 things and yugoslavia lot’s of post war
Yugoslavia just offers more in general.
Czechoslovakia is better than either imo