Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

HE shells can deal a decently large crew damage when hitting the super structure it also can cause a lot of fires

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Alright, but with long reload i always thing that shell that explode inside have a way better impact on the fight.

I find it useful to have some of the BB bring HE shells, for when you fire at smaller things like a DD. I personally feel that they do more damage than AP or SAP sometimes, but that probably is just me

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WW1 russian 12’’ AP shell actually have quite big cap.

(No.1 shell)

I’m not sure about how big and heavy cap does Dunkerque has( I can’t distinguish from here)

so well, criteria matters, not soviet bias. If soviet bias exist on naval that big, Izmail won’t be that trash.

Dunkerque shells:

Nice cap to me.




Ive also got a 4090 that i run at 4k, im hoping to see the results


I think newest Mac runs it fine as well, even the M2 seem to be fine, I’m torturing mine RN

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Wait Macs get ray tracing? You learn something new everyday

thats a big boy for today huh

That’s crazy lol. My 4070 keeps barely stable 144FPS at 4k max settings as is. xD
How much was that 4090 of yours by the way? Just curious.

No, I’m running windows on MAC lol

First AESA on a aircraft type machine…of course its Russian lol


is truly sad gaijin isnt gonna give the brimstones dumbed down FnF, which honestly ill probably for the most part stick to the Harrier Gr7 or the gripen for CAS, they can get the same amount of kills with AGM65Gs that the tornado could get with the PGMs


What else to expect?

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wait the fugging Mi-8 of all things is getting the first aesa? xD

I hope for more surprises

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oh hey, neat
theyre more detailed now

Meanwhile we have a PESA plane ingame but since it’s French, the radar don’t work as a PESA, neither it’s ground radar capability xD (Super Etendard)


Not the first actually

The Swedish SPAA “ASRAD-R” has AESA, but it’s a smol one