Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

The funny thing about the leopards being added to France is that at least for me I’m still taking the Leclercs over the Leopards, the only one that I might take over the first Leclerc is the 2A6 and that’s just for the raw pen, other than that the Leclercs are faster and reload faster.


Ngl it will be the AV-8S for me, if it stays at 9.7 then it’s gonna be a hell of a fighter.
But also it shows that the Thai sub tree is near.


They would be fools not to realize this, and they are not fools.

When China has a film industry equivalent to Hollywood, I assure you that the mass of players will want to play with Chinese content. It doesn’t matter if China has the same or more weapon systems as the USA: American propaganda is far superior, along with the Foucaultian truth, prevail in the best Goebbels style.

The only ones who want Chinese vehicles are the Chinese and the anti-Americans. The rest are in captivity.

I started playing the Chinese tech tree from the beginning; I even bought a pack, but Gaijin’s selective neglect made me abandon the tech tree. I left it precisely when the ZTZ96 and CM11 (now 9.3), were facing the 2A5. Those were beautiful times :(

The same happened to me with Israel, a shame. Currently, I only play with Germany, although the snail is making every effort to make me abandon this tech tree too, and eventually the game.

I truly envy French, Italian, and Swedish players. Their options when building lineups are enviable.


I really hope so.

IF it isn’t turned into a premium subtree ( the AV-8S does appear to be non researchable so only god knows what they can cook up sadly)

Fun Fact; the AV-8S is able to use four AIM-9s at once, even though this was done in Spanish service before transition to the RTAF.


Well it has 290,000 RP so there that but yea that would be a true insult to Japan.
Not only had they have two nations from it’s region sub relocated.
But the most sense one be locked behind premiums, events and Squadrons.

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I wonder where in the air tree it would go if it’s added for Japan?

After the R2Y2’s

I never touched Japan, but if it gets a TAM, I’ll grind it lol.



I doubt the AV-8S would become a squadron vehicle especially considering the F-5E TH that’s still fairly new. It could unfortunately be a premium though.


That’s. Ridiculous.
But I suppose if sweden can so can japan

More like tragically yes. It’d be a massive killer to the lineups

welcome to the world of snail

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I literally can’t see the reason why the AV-8S would be a premium since the hole point in adding Thailand in the first place is CAS

I might hope after updated dev server gajin add other guided Air-to-Ground munitions for F-15E, F-15I Ra’am, F-16C Block 50 and AV-8B+

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There’s no way it gets 9Ls at the same BR as the regular AV-8A. Considering it’ll also get better RWR and possibly dual missile rails it’ll probably be closer to the Sea Harriers at 10.7/11.0

I sure hope they learned their lesson and it isn’t just Thailand but they keep Singapore and Indonesia with it. Thailand alone can’t really fix the CAS issue properly and doesn’t really do much to help with SPAA either.

It’s a start and there’s a lot of Thai stuff I’d like to see, but assuming the desired state of all nations is the potential that Britain and France have with their subtrees a combination of multiple nations would be ideal.


The AGM142 Gaijin missing from the F-15I still seems unwilling to add


Well by the look of it the noises that leak made definitely were loud enough as they seems to have pushed back that Leo.

I hope they won’t delay it long enough for us to not notice it.

