So real
why not both of them lol
yeah i understand it’s the same with Italy i main this nation but now i play more USA ,China or France because they become shittier update after update so i can understand why
How did Italy (hungary) a fucking subtree get a better leopard than us germans
but more france, cuz they got many vehciles and weapon UNFAIRLY
they did not
the German one is just bugged
it is wtf, unfunctional tech tree
The only sensible addition in your message is the EMBT 2017 which would fix the UFP problem
XLR and EAU would not improve France’s top tier, only add an extra layer of grind until you’re done wading through the Leclerc blob
An actual addition could be the Leclerc 140 which at least fixes the penetration problem
As for the EMBT 2022 and Leclerc Evolution, do i really need to explain why they’re not comming anytyme soon ?
well you should go yell at the Italians instead
more arietes and tornados pls
no italy is poor, has no many good vehciles, but france is FINE
Time for part 3, see yall on the other side.
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