Its War Thunder players. When the chance exists, some will take it. It probably is going to be a bigger issue in sim since time gated rewards are a thing there.
Time to stop this such Unbalance!!!
For what russians always get something best, but buffed on others???
S*** will hit the fan … if Snail decides to add Asian Leo 2s to China as well
Soviet tank with 2 kills: does suicide
Enemy: why do I hear boss music and what the **** is the 6 white lines in the sky?
We laugh at the whole Russian forum
i mean they already are adding the stuff from taiwan. e.g the pattons n american jets xD
At least when you play US you can spawn a jet that will act as your AA
I’m sorry but it literally was Renown in the trailer though.
I’m glad the UK is getting Repulse, though i’m sure they probably wanted something more competitive
Will dev server start today?
Still understandable
But imagine Abrams M1A2T + Leo 2SG + ZTZ99Ax lineup
some chinese mains were/are already against M1A2T
i mean the UK could also do with the shedload of accepted bug reports for their vehciles actually being sorted .
They should make Barak D strike at this point
understandable? how
760 SP for AIM-120 with worst tanks
860 SP for 6 KH-38 with decent tanks
No japanese vehicles, airplanes from ww2, post war era ? :<
As in the initial implementation … RoC in PRC, understandable as of now … can’t back pedal now
But furthermore is just stupidity
To be honest I Hope to see a “full” romanian sub tree in the italian tech tree, Just to see a Leopard 2, an Ariete and the Abrams in the same lineup.
(Half) Joke asde i feel that this spaa Will replace even my otomatic at 11.7/12.0
There is something coming for Japan, but wasn’t ready for the stream. It will probably be on the dev server instead.
It’s most likely the frigate Yubetsu.
i dont want ship :(