Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

L27A1 or DM53, their glacis reaches 750 and 670mm KE respectively. No shell ingame can pen either of them.

I’ve been saying the exact opposite thing ever since I first saw them on the leaks…?

Rip for me:




Modernized in different way. The gen 2 thermals on it is nice. But we may see some more things on it. Still WIP

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The Dunkerque class only had one kind of AP shell, the SAPC. And 713mm is the pen at 0m for this specific shell, the only one available. I’m not an expert, but the dudes at Navyweap claim this is from this source :

“This data is from “Battleships: Allied Battleships in World War II” pages 374-375 for a muzzle velocity of 2,854 fps (870 mps) and is based upon the USN Empirical Formula for Armor Penetration. On page 57, the authors state that the “armor-piercing shell . . . could penetrate 300 mm [11.81 in] of armor at 28,000 meters [30,722 yards],” but there is no mention of how this value was calculated.”


Abrams Soonᵀᴹ as well:
China, Italy(?Romania),

Poland (If), Ukraine (If)

no Aussie or trialed Abrooms for UK

So itll just be alower BR, not that bad an issue then, mb

Still surprises me that they copy pasted a Block 40 instead of somewhat original Block 30

I am pretty sure you can delete a base with six of the grom-1. From 120km away. That’s going to be… interesting.

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At last the SB/SC2500 is getting added to more bombers TwT


then why say its not a big deal its a 2a5 and 2a6 xd its quite a big deal as its removing the uniqueness from most the game, theres leopard 2s in half the trees now, bar what, britain, china, USSR and isreal?

All Leclerc tanks move to Rank VIII??

RIP my AMX-30 Super to grind Leclerc.


With the Nether Leo 2s coming, the best Tanks in the French Tree will be German.


I just hope it will get cool Romanian camos:




At least it’s the first non-IR SAM for Italy)

MS 444 is unexpected addition, though not much interesting, in terms of Higgins boats in Italian service, I’m waiting for those equipped with 37/54 cannon.
Funny enough Coastal tree seems to be the one regularly getting new additions for Italy.
PS although so far update is more about feeding up US and RU playerbases.

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yeah but theyll ram in russian T90s, fucking leos into france, F16s into france, gripens into britain, mig21s into britain, its just ridiculous at this point


Welcome in modern military mate. Wait in like 8 years and see how many nations will have F-35

hopefully ru players wont still be bombing bases at 13.7 like f16c loaded with dumb bombs in air battles

yeah i reckon itll have a better round than the standard BMP2M


New meme and my reaction xD


Still waiting for Hungarian Strela so i dont need to use Sidam 25

right, so france, which is stowed with indigenous jets, and tanks etc, has now got its best jet effectively is an F16, and best tank will be a leo2 at top tier, it neither used either of those.

its not modern military, theyre cramming in sub trees to nation that didnt need em, like the netherlands, by all common sense and logical standards should of been germany xD

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