Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Gaijin definitely will use “Being a Historical Game” as excuse for that. But I really doubt if being historical is that important.
But 9 IR/TV missiles are just too much for most SPAA to handle with (and Thor doesn’t even have smokes). It’s probably better to give GR4 other armaments rather than IR/TV brimestone.

Exactly, also nice username if it’s an admin OG name reference haha


Its about the technology in general, yes it is unclassfied, and it is what Gaijin uses to determine what GEN the pod is.

I think people are forgetting its on a jet, which at the altitudes you would want to be to avoid cas would be close to mach if not exceeding it. That combined with such a slow missile would mean you could easily have flown over the target by the time it hits… This means you would be getting a 1 kill per run max while other nations can get thier ordinance off in one and get out od dodge. The longer you stay in range the higher your chance of being shot down.

Its why im so confused why gaijin didnt make them simply ir guided, i can easily say for all britbongs out thier we would have accepted this in a heartbeat, and still would if you change it. Having laser guided munitions simply makes the gr 4 worse for cas due to its time to kill which will be significantly larger than anything else at the br.

This along with being limited to only 9 while having this massive nerf (It is a nerf, even if its “historical” as a nerf is a reduction in capabilities).

Make the fnf with an ir guidance or fix the iog guidance of hellfires and other such missiles to allow for a quazy fnf capability. As it would allow us to use them like gps missiles.

Will it be usable? yes, of course. but thats no metric when i can make the Tornado gr 1 work at 12.0 facing arh missiles. Will it be all that much better compared to the gr 1? not really as the increase in capability isnt substantiation enough for the br increase it will see due to these changes.

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I know hellfires are different but launched from a helicopter it takes them about 54 seconds from 8kms

  1. It is either Litening ||| or TIALD 400 pod
    3.It has only BOZ-107 Chaff/Flare Pod (ARI.23336)

Britain players: We’re finally going to get FnF missiles on a Tornado :D



It has Litening III, and it has TERMA

Unless it’s a completely open map, you can’t just sit back at spawn with the Kh-38’s and even see anything that isn’t at least 17.5km away, and you won’t hit it if you don’t gain some elevation. Easy pickin’s for an Eagle driver playing CAP.

Have you done CAS with the SM3 in top-tier? I have, it has plenty to worry about if you use it right. Spamming and RTB’ing is a stupid move. Less than half the Kh-38’s hit the target, and then you spend almost two minutes between landing, reloading, taking-off, and getting into position again.

Hellfires don’t have the benefit of being launched from 5km+ altitude unlike Brimstones… well unless you spend ten years climbing to high altitude in your Helicopter. Brimstones as a result will be able to keep their speed substantially better than Hellfires, but yes they are still going to be somewhat slow. I feel they will be faster than Mavericks at least, but it’s hard to say rn.

Dev thread says Litening (but not which) and its gen 2. So some what confusion there.

It will have the BOZ-107s and the TERMA, but can also have 2x BOL (so can the Gr1)

what admin? I am unaware

Then it should be fine…? I guess, and with low respawn point

With the internal targeting on the Su-34, it makes the Su-27SM look like an Su-25T/39, while the Su-34 becomes the new Su-25SM3.

I 100% understand the concern, and agree.

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UK faces F-15s all the time, Russia never faces the Pantsir. It’s easy compared to what other nations have.
Harrier GR7 with AGM-65 or SU-25 with 4 Kh-38…

That last part can’t be a real complaint. Can’t be

I have to spend almost 2 minutes rearming


Its a dude complaining about the sm3. Its not worth arguing.

that’s why SM3 can have such a happy time, it’s not so good to be together with F-16C in 13.0, but it won’t meet Pantsir so here it is.
complaining? yes and okey, but after others have some long range SPAA

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Well we could have looked at ECM pods or even ASRAAM but no its a Tornado GR.1 with a better targetting pod and a massively nerfed missile system. Most players will just keep using the PGM (if they arent removed) or the Paveway 4