Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Sadly no new effects yet :(

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Just give it two modes. One historically accurate laser guidance and second ahistorical normal TV/IR guidance (same thing you’ve done with Martel). Western planes really needs a Kh-29T/Kh-38T counterpart.


ehhh better is a strong word, I can almost guarantee a harrier Gr7 with 4 AGM65Gs will get more kills then a tornado Gr4 with 9 brimstones, the harrier can actually turn and can defend while the missile goes in, the tornado cant do either and will have to hope the pantsir player is dumb

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Afaik AJ.168 was a man-in-the-loop missile

@DevilO6 has a better handle on how Gaijin handles tpod resolutions,

but fairly certain litening II in game is Gen 2, so would figure Litening III would be better

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and he beat me to it :D

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this is a full sentence

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Teaser still coming?

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it was, and they made it work like an IR missile to balance it, I have no idea why they didnt do that here other then not wanting the UK to outshine russia and america for CAS

trailer today yes or no?

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Could another video be potentially added to the website and also youtube possibly?..:)

just add it as a normal fnf, just remove the ignore smoke feature geez


Why does it look like Windows XP install wizard

Dont ask me

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Just going to collate a few questions for @Smin1080p_WT

  1. Litening III Targeting pod right? Can you confirm that is Gen 2 and not suppose to be Gen 3?

  2. Any explanation on how GPS+Laser guided ePaveways will work?

  3. Will GR4 get its BOL?

  4. Is TERMA going to have standard calibre CMs or Large Calibre CMs?


Smin1080p is so afraid of players from the German community that he can’t answer a question about German CAS, in this patch? :0


That’s just your usual Elbit brochure

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Isnt this sentence just wrong?
Brimstone brochure


I was mostly comparing it to Germany. The UK (and US for that matter) have considerably worse MBTs than something like the 2A7/122.

And instead of making the gap between MBTs smaller they seem fine with introducing new cas aircraft to make up for that gap in mbt performance.

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