Why cant we get stuff like the CRAM and earn RP/SL on destroyed missiles etc? I mean your reasoning falls apart as other people have said with the Su25 etc…
My thought exactly. if limited to 9, then its barely more powerful than the F-16C with 6x FnF AGM-65D. and its on a way worse Airframe
could’ve just made them like spikes on an aircraft, I don’t see a huge issue with that
I bet 2 SL that one won’t come this major
Britain gets a new top tier aircraft
Brits happy
Brits read devblog
Brits go back to complaining
Brimstone does not have a regular F&F mode ? Outside of LOAL i mean
Doesn’t make sense, it’s better off to have CRAM’s in top tier air bases instead of Rolands.
You would to if your top tier aircraft got gimped
The aircraft has multiple new weapon systems and features.
The choice was no Brimstone at all or a fully historical and balanced version of it using a mode that allows it to be implemented in game.
There is more too it than just smoke. That would also get an artificial weapon, which people often don’t take well too.
why not both?
Then don’t add them at all if your not going to make them right
So no teaser ?
not yet
Tbh yeah, id rather just take the PGMs if brimstones are gonna be worthless if air launched vhikers are anything to go off of
How exactly was the kh38ml balanced?
literally not a single thing can be added without at least someone complaining
u only get laser brimstones either way, doubt u will get to shoot them fast enough
Why can’t Germany have his Tornado too? Was just as responsible for it’s creation, and still uses it.
I am not well versed in some of these technical terminologies, so could you clear up for me in a simple way?
Brimstone and AGM-114L (if it came); would they work closer to AGM-65G/PARS 3LR (“basic” fire-and-forget after locking a target), or AGM-114K (no have fire-and-forget available at all, and you will have to be locked on the target till the missile land)?
If it’s the former, I think it will be good enough; but if it’s the latter, I think it will be very disappointing.
EDIT: Turns out they will not have any FNF capabilities at all…
I wonder- couldn’t these be implemented as traditional/basic FNF instead of LOAL?
That way, they would remain balanced while still bringing new capabilities… otherwise, these munitions are just pointless.