Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Yep, only thing that slightly annoys me about the F-16AJ, is that the same couldnt be done for Sweden or Britain, with stuff like the Norweigan F-16 or New Zealand F-16


Actually you know what youre so right, I was accounting for the time between the AJ and the 15J so its actually even worse


Dutch is still not German.

And there is more French speaker than German in Belgium ^^


F-16 Block 50 > F-16 Block 50+ > F-16 Block 70 > F 35A
F-15C > F-15E > F-15EX > F-22
F-14B > F-14D > F-35C
AV-8B+ > F-18C > F-18E > F-35B

F-18A rank 8 premium
F-18A+ event vehicle
All vehicles after the first one are rank IX

That should be the placement of new vehicles

yea the Missiles are really the best part about it

the radar is also quite fine tbh, just gotta get used to it

as long as you dont let yourself get into the merge you can pretty much compete with most others at the BR

I can bet that actually there is more French stuff in Germany TTs, than German stuff in France TTs

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Yep, which means its not better or worse off than the Tornado F3 Late which by all accounts does fine (though really needs some decent chaff)

Even the FA2 which is the main ARH slinger Ive been playing, even in its massively nerfed state. Does fine

26 month gap between the EJ Kai and the 15J to be exact.

so 2 years and 2 months

we’re not even a single year into the ICE and people already ask for an aircraft that doesnt belong in germany


Air zzZZ zzZZ
Just gimme more Leos :D

Yeah talking to him is pointless, it’s pretty clear he’s never gonna change his mind

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Exactly. But thats fine right? We couldve waited. (Also yes im clearly annoyed sorry :p)

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It’s more than 8 months btw, unless you’re considering something I’m not and if that’s the case please enlighten me

Yes I caught myself I was looking at the gap between the AK and 15J not EJ Kai and 15J

No man, the Japanese got the F-16 because they would’ve lacked competent CAS otherwise. Germany has CAS, and it has usable options for air. Is it a good situation? No, but it isn’t anywhere close to as bad as the Japanese situation was at the time, and I say this as someone who doesn’t like the F-16J. Germany would be better off getting Argentina and Switzerland as subtrees to fill in their gaps until they get the Eurofighter as opposed to something ahistorical.

Could have just said “no you lmaoo” and spared yourself the trouble. Because that is actually what your replies and the the 3 other people giving each other likes sum up to.

It´s like I just traveled back to 2022 thread when I suggested adding Dutch F-16 to Germany.

Then wtf you doing here? Oh I know, needlesly arguing against adding anything to Germany.

Yeah but all this German hate 😡

Yeah sorry for the double reply I’m on mobile now and it’s not as clear as pc is

I agree though a Danish choice would be more solid : )

cant demand the world and have them be positive about it

that didnt work the last 2 times and it wont work now