The F-14 was purely designed as a Fleet air defense fighter, it never was a multi role aircraft. It was capable of dropping guided bombs, but really any aircraft could given a Lantirn Pod, doesn’t mean they were made to be multirole. But there are proposed variants of dedicated A2G Tomcats, like the ASF-14.
The Super Hornet was worse for fleet air defense than the Tomcat since it wasn’t designed to do uniquely that, in fact as @Texas_Engineer_Mike stated it was only able to match up the long range capabilities of the tomcat with a repurposed SM-2 in 2021.
It’s only in the recent years that we realised the gaps that the retirement of the Tomcat created, since Aircraft Carriers weren’t just about bombing small groups of partisans to annihilation, the threat of large scale aerial attacks on a carrier group was back.
Back on topic, all this argumenting has proved one thing, that the F-15E could potentially come in 2 lines of the US TT, we cannot guess more than that, now we just have to wait for the official announcement or the Dev stream on Friday.
Actually there was an 8 month gap but you know. Also yeah while everyone else INCLUDING GERMANY BY THE WAY, all gets new weapons and aircraft and the meta shifts completely yeah lets leave Japan out to dry that makes sense.
Come on, don´t twist it. Japan was fine, they didn´t need imaginary F-16AJ, since they got the F-15 half a year later anyway. Germany actually needs something right now.
It was suppose to be F-4EJ Kai → F-15J → F-15J(M) / and / F-4F → Mig-29G → F-16AM. But the germanohaters would riot over it.
What it is F-4EJ Kai → F-16J → F-15J → F-15J(M) / and / F-4F → Mig-29G → lol, lmao even (F-4F ICE) zzzZZzzz
Yeah, this is apparently completely fine.
Because Germany has been stuck with the Mig - 29 for so long I can´t even remember. So I should have worded it better. Germany needed something a year ago. Like the F-16AM for example. And please, don´t even bring the Phantom ICE into discussion, because that plane at top tier makes me laugh.
Britain had the Torando Gr1 and then Torando F3 to fight against the German Mig-29 and then the Mig-29G (The Mig-29G was the meta jet for a few months last year). Sweden had the Viggen D to do the same. For 12 months Britain and Sweden had to wait for something top tier, something stood even a remote chance of going toe to toe with a Mig-29 in a fight, that was eventually the Gripen.
The F4F-ICE has top tier missiles and is perfectly able to compete against other ARH slingers and easily dominates most non-ARH slingers at the moment. It just cannot compete in WVR fights against things like the Gripen or F-16. That is a FAR FAR smaller gap than Britian and Sweden had to deal with for an entire year.
Germany thus far has had a minor disadvantage at top tier for 4 months now, likely going to be closed entirely within the next 2 months. That will mean that Germany had to wait for an equal top tier for less than half the amount of time both Sweden and Britain had to wait. I would have killed for soemthing even half as competitive as the F4F-ICE is currently last year.
Unlike the Skyflash ST/DF or Aim-7M vs R-27ER we had last year. AMRAAM vs AMRAAM is pretty fair fight and AMRAAM vs most other ARH means the F-4F ICE actually holds an advantage compared to most.
If you’d actually read what I said you’d find out that between the addition of the EJ Kai and the F-15 there’s over two year gap
I know it can compete while I’m also aware of the fact that it’s not the greatest. But that was not my point.
That’s not what I’m doing, I’m arguing against you people’s mental gymnastics of trying to use the reasoning of the addition of the AJ to Germany, where it doesn’t apply at all. The people who constantly go onto these threads and whine on and on about Germany not getting stuff and that it’s are oh so suffering should be studied. The self pity you people spew onto these forums is extremely annoying. The mental gymnastics you people use to justify adding unrelated nations, like the guy that keeps screeching “polish f16 polish f16”, are incomprehensible to me.
All in all I don’t know how Smin and others can handle you people, I can barely stand you for a month and some leading up to the release of a new update