Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Sadly we don’t have SEAD/DEAD or EW in-game for now so for an aircraft to qualify as multi role it only needs to do A2A just as good as A2G, the F-111 fails to do so. The F-15E tho will be able to achieve this. But well with so many options for different lines we can’t really know for now so let’s wait and see.

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ah look a surprise!

a Not-10.0 Russian tank


let’s hope for a second wonder of Dunkerque then

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with the Dunkerque being added ill be a little sad if the british rank 6 is just a modernised dreadnaught, but considering I think hood is the most modern ship we have at that br and she is from 1918, I do kinda hope we might see KGV

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Multirole typically refers to aircraft that can do both air-superiority and strike.


If they are exploring early cold war MBT-alikes, I would like to see T-44MS or T-54A or even T-34-85M 1969.

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Not our fault if France have a bigger Military industry than Germany in modern times :p

Pff, Amateur



Hmmm depending on how it turns out this might end up being a nice premium to pick up during the sale.

Isn’t there a 3 update rule? before something goes on sale.

For premiums thats entirely based on how good (or rather, bad) it sells. 3 update rule is for SL sales i think

Yes this is correct. When it comes to ground attack I believe f15e focuses on interdiction/strike. Sure in theory it could carry mavericks etc, not sure about harm’s but f16 is better suited for cas and sead

Please GIFs | Tenor
what about teaser today?


As many people said, it’s Tuesday today not Thursday, it’s not going to happen as much as I want it to

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There is one but not sure how many updates

Just got to wait for eurofighter



Will there be a update preview on Friday then?

f-18 will come first

Smin 365

You misspealed Rafale.

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