Sadly we don’t have SEAD/DEAD or EW in-game for now so for an aircraft to qualify as multi role it only needs to do A2A just as good as A2G, the F-111 fails to do so. The F-15E tho will be able to achieve this. But well with so many options for different lines we can’t really know for now so let’s wait and see.
ah look a surprise!
a Not-10.0 Russian tank
let’s hope for a second wonder of Dunkerque then
with the Dunkerque being added ill be a little sad if the british rank 6 is just a modernised dreadnaught, but considering I think hood is the most modern ship we have at that br and she is from 1918, I do kinda hope we might see KGV
Multirole typically refers to aircraft that can do both air-superiority and strike.
If they are exploring early cold war MBT-alikes, I would like to see T-44MS or T-54A or even T-34-85M 1969.
Not our fault if France have a bigger Military industry than Germany in modern times :p
Pff, Amateur
Hmmm depending on how it turns out this might end up being a nice premium to pick up during the sale.
Isn’t there a 3 update rule? before something goes on sale.
For premiums thats entirely based on how good (or rather, bad) it sells. 3 update rule is for SL sales i think
Yes this is correct. When it comes to ground attack I believe f15e focuses on interdiction/strike. Sure in theory it could carry mavericks etc, not sure about harm’s but f16 is better suited for cas and sead
what about teaser today?
As many people said, it’s Tuesday today not Thursday, it’s not going to happen as much as I want it to
There is one but not sure how many updates
Just got to wait for eurofighter
Will there be a update preview on Friday then?
f-18 will come first
You misspealed Rafale.