Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Doubt it, it’s a multirole strike fighter unlike the F-111 which is lightyears away from being multirole


lol. Did you actually just say that F-111 isnt multirole?

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the t62 at home

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Guess this confirms the leak list then, hand over my Nighthawk now!

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If you can read, yes i did, the F-111 is NOT multirole, just ask the navy what happened when they tried to use it as a fighter lmao

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Still no planes :(

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The f-16c is a light multirole fighter with signficant a2g capability but it still followed the light fighter line, the f-14b also has a signficant a2g capability (for its time) and still followed the f-14a. It would only mess the tree up if it got added other than below the f-15c

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Historically f15e did replace f111


Exactly, hence why it went to the light fighter line.

Gimme teaser please

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So teaser Thursday then I’ll set my alarm lol

Which makes me think exactly why the harrier line should just be light strike fighters. Gaijin would most probably add the 15e after the 15c anyway to prevent confusion

Not today or Tommorow, 90% of teasers are on Thursdays

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Fair point, i guess we shall see Friday with the dev stream then.

Hell yeah !!

Agreed, we’ll also see if the f-15e is even in this patch lol

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It looks good for now! The leak list has been right so far lol

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F-111 is multirole tho. Its a multirole strike aircraft designed to perform various of missions such as SEAD/DEAD, Recce, CAS, EW, etc. F-15E is its successor based on two seater F-15 platform.

In fact doctrine wise F-15E is a bomber and is never deployed as a fighter.


Gaijin implementation on French stuff??
