Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

unfortunately it isn’t the time for that yet

In 4-5 hours

13.7 Tornados and a 13.7 Mirage all equipped with 14.0 IR missiles

would love to see it

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Didn’t switzwrland only use AIM-9P-5 until they switched to AIM-9X?

I don’t know, that’s why I suggested that

P5 sounds realistic tho, although a weird missile for Warthunder as it’s basically a 9J with IRCCM All aspect seeker

oh and if that’s true then that’s a heavy blow for the Swiss hornet

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sooooo. dreams come true event candidate?

And yes, that would be really cool.

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I don’t have high hopes for the Dreams come true event

it’ll be some tank, probably something Russian and if not then it’ll be a meme machine and nothing more

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Same. Not a tanker myself so not expecting much from it.
The tank I posted would be interesting however because it’s kind of an aircraft too

I’m cool with meme machines, tired of it being tanks every time though.

I’m fully aware :P it’s just I went to sleep really early for myself and ergo woke up dummy early

9am is early?

Devblog today?


Yes, in 3-4 hours

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tbh, pretty much anything that was developed in the past 15 years should be better than the Ajax

And what about the ToR?

Hi guys

Your Local non official, acctually a parody of your non existend Gajin News here, with a 99.99999% accuracy rating on Maths I do not understand yet
In the upcoming time Period of 365 days Gaijin has already confirmed that we are going to get some Devblogs !
Ain’t that amazing ?
We also know that we will get a Update within a whole Month !
Be prapared for a potentialy game changing “it’s fixed” together with an average of “some” new Players installing the game thx to Gaijins Marketing effort, enhancing your gaming experience with some seal clubable newbies for you low tier enjoyers !

Further more we just got the news in that War Thunder is going to exist past 2024 with a probability of 85%

The Eurofighter is going to enter the game one day !

Like and sub for more propably accurate prediction News


The D variants probably won’t have it in game. The HMS was never entered in French service, but was extensively tested and even implemented in other countries’ M2K. The French only ever started using HMS on the latest variant of the rafale, the F4. However, I believe we’ll see HMS on most A2A French planes, the same way the -5F has it, due to HMS systems being tested and cleared for use on most of them (just French procurement that did not want to spend the money at the time).

Edit : Also has of now, I believe Devs have been thinking of adding the RMV with MICA EM (for some reason). Also, while the RMV has open pylons for AASM, it actually do not use them. Only new AG armement is a new pave way compared to older M2KDs

so M2KD RMV with 2x Mica EM/IR but without HMD

sounds fair and balanced to me and would be a good test for advanced SRAAMs

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now the next question is what equivalents do the Russians and Americans have?

best f-5e for germany? why not lol