That is what I read online at least, now it needs to be said that what I read online could be wrong.
It should have a reduced heat signature, but it will likely still be vulnerable to IR missiles to some degree.
That is what I read online at least, now it needs to be said that what I read online could be wrong.
It should have a reduced heat signature, but it will likely still be vulnerable to IR missiles to some degree.
Ain’t no way people are asking for a british F-117
why people want the f117 which doesn’t have any real purpose to the game? To scout enemy jet?
NO RWR too. Rely on your eyes, pilot
To the people moaning about the US wanting to get the Typhoon, Are your fighters that Rubbish ?
I dont really want it, its going to be a really bad and niche aircraft within War Thunder, probably totally DOA. But:
If tested/evaluated aircraft become options for nations in the future, then Britain was actually offered the F-117 and did evaluate it, I think we have the docs from the National Archives for those evaluations. But ultimately the Jaguar and Torando are both superior aircraft.
Considering event vehicles imo should be rather random/unique and our last 2 have been somewhat lackluster and just modified version of existing TT aircraft, then it would be more interesting than either of them. But it would be way down on my list compared to them. If it was a ground attack aircraft (again…) then id vote for a Vulcan or TSR2 over the F-117.
But there is a thread that exists for the F-117 way into the future at the very least
That would make every sales pitch a reason vehicle X could go to Country Y. Any brochure picked up at an air show could be used as evidence of a potential procurement.
And the lss said about rhe AJ the better. That is the poster child of Brochure inclusions. To be fair it was a very detailed proposal and most if not all the equipment included did/does exist, but not as envisaged. They should have brought forward the Asian subtree instead to fill the gap with a real life F-16 variant. Ah Gaijjn, always with the controversy…
No, it’s illustrating the absurdity of a GB F-117 as if they can get it, why shouldn’t the US get a Typhoon seeing as how the US has greater claims towards the Typhoon then GB does towards the F-117.
The F-16AJ has absolutely nothing to do with the F-2. Instead it was competing with the F-15J in the 70s and was rejected a decade before any FS-X offers were even made.
Strictly speaking the F-2 isn’t even based on an F-16 (at least not directly), but the Lockheed SX-3, a further developed version of the SX-2, which itself was an Agile Falcon variant proposal for Japan.
The closest F-16s to the F-2 would be equally recected F-16C Block 32 and a lightly modified version of the same aircraft proposed early on for FS-X, neither of which led to anything other than rejection.
I mean it’s a poor comparison is the F-117 a fighter ?
Why put the B-17 in game? Its useless but iconic.
F-117 fills that niche
I don’t see how that would matter, the US still has better claims to the Typhoon then GB has towards the F-117 regardless.
Not even remotely comparable to the AJ. Japan had no similar airframe at top tier at the time, and desperately needed one to fill a hole in their tech tree. It was added as an emergency stop gap.
Britain definitely isn’t in dire need of a comically niche bomber.
(I don’t care if Britain gets one or not, as I enjoy as many nations having a vehicle as possible, I just think your example is poor.)
Well does the US have 5 sets of its’s own fighters with variants ?
So why do they need a typhoon on top of that
If someone has them they need releasing. Until them it remains just a British Pilot in a US plane with nothing official to say it was anything more than a joyride offer from an ally.
Was nothing learned from the Swedish/Russian Tank/ Helo evaluation fiasco?
We could ask the same thing for you. Why would you want/need the F-117 that you had nothing to do with when you already way better options?
Seems more like a want than a need or should.
Then list them !
The US was never oprerated the Typhoon, in fact they tried to kill the program repeatedly
Britain was offered the F-117 and did consider purchasing it, ultimately deciding it was inferior to the Torando.
I know US aircraft are inferior to the Typhoon, but making up claims to try and get a Typhoon is just funny. Its a bit like the thread that appeared after the Gripen C was added, asking for Brazilian Gripen Es to be added to the US TT because Brazil is in South America
What are you on
Buccaneer, Tornado, Jaguar, F-111C and Harrier Gr.7
You know what all of these have in common? They serve the same role as the F-117 would in game, but do it much much much better.