Major Update “Dance of Dragons” — DEV Server Changelog (30.08.2024)

Yeah :(

I think if you already have an aircraft fully spaded, and they add a new mod, you should get it for free.

Nice to see that the 500lb bomb gets added to the LF IX.

However, as per the report, the Spitfire LF Mk IX is still missing 2x 250lb wing mounted bombs, that is evidential in the last 4 photos in the report.
It is the same case for the Spitfire Mk IX, as per the first photo in the report. In the photo the first Spitfire is a clipped winged, however the one behind it is not a clipped winged, as we have ingame, and that is carrying a set of 250lb GP bombs under each wing.

Also the Spitfire Mk IX and Mk XVI is missing centre mounted bombs, as the manual doesn’t specify which of the Spitfires the flying limitation applied to, and most likely apply to all 3 of them.

Just pointing it out, unless this is something that has either been done for balance purposes or have not yet been implemented. (Hope the last one :D)

Screen shots from the manual "Pilot's Notes for Spitfire IX, XI & XVI"


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Nice to see AH-1Z finally got agm114k

Also the f104 buff are nice

I personally don’t like them. Camo is too bright on new models, looks fresh out of a museum, instead of fresh out of the factory mid-war. They look more like toys.

This is probably my least favourite T-34 right now, because of how ugly it is. It’s historical, but again, it’s just too bright. It could be done better, be both historical and pretty.

I also really don’t like the new IS-1 and IS-2.

@Stona_WT The new HMD’s of the Gripen and A10C looks amazing, however for the past 3 months, HMD’s do not show up in cockpit view like they should. It broke with the last update. I’m a bit disappointed to see it’s not been fixed or marked under “Known Bugs” with this update.

Could we please get an update on this? It’s a pretty big feature of cockpit mode and it’s pretty much non-existent at this point.

Here is one of the reports:


The gun is correct at least.

That is a gorgeous model! I really hope the devs add more updated models.

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Where are the Drop tanks for the J10A as well as the PL8B?

I am incredibly unsatisfied with this. I think we not only need to revert these changes but also all the similar changes before, and fire whoever that’s not doing their job.
Hire someone who actually play the game lol

This change is very bad. Because of this the map will turn linear with no option to flank whatsoever. It will only promote brawling gameplay and “only hold W” gameplay, thus making it biased towards vehicles with very good frontal armor.


Idk if you checked it, but here it is

Yes, you see the red thing correctly.


spawn is outside the battlefield?

At the edge of it. You do not get the timer, but you get the warning

For the A-10C, presets and custom loadouts containing the external fuel pods cause the game to crash.
Gaijin please

I think the ASRAD-R an also M113 bases too. It still has a shit gear ratio😭😭😭


it feels like they are just making all the maps smaller, arcade yeah that’s fine I guess, but realistic? its realistic that tank engagements far bit further then this…

Gripen HMD get’s radar symbology for locked targets, but not for targets locked with IR missiles. Is this just a bug or something it didn’t have. Either way the HMD looks amazing and it’s great to see proper HMD’s being added.

Hoping that we get full HMD’s for other aircraft in the future. Also for the current HMD’s like for the F-16C and F-15C we get radar symbology for locked targets like what is now with the Gipen.


It also lack display of the marker (red square)

if you still hadnt fixed it i take it you were trying to run it on ULQ, The dev server won’t launch on ULQ for osme reason