Major Update “Dance of Dragons” — DEV Server Changelog (30.08.2024)

I read your post and I think there may be some disagreement or misunderstanding between the Devs and the source material.

The M41A1 traverse problem is ancient at this point.

Have you tried getting in contact with a tech mod to discuss this change?

I looked a bit more and there’s also stuff like:

  • M48A1 weights 104,000 lbs (47173 kg, in game it is 44900);
  • M47 has -5 degrees gun depression.

However, as I’ve said already, it’s pick and choosing, cherry picking what they want and don’t want to be in the game. It makes it all the more frustrating to deal with this.

For the M41 turret traverse bug report I made, that very source was overruled over the fact that the manual existed (even though I pointed out that the manual explicitly states the “maximum time” to complete a full rotation, AKA: NOT the maximum turret traverse).

But for the gear ratios of the Patton series, this source is enough for the gears, despite contradicting the manual that states 19 km/h reverse speed. But at the same time this source is not enough for the forwards top speed, which it states is 60 km/h, but the manual states 48 km/h, so they use the manual values there (which in turn makes the reverse speed even lower, as with a 60 km/h top speed it would still be 15 km/h, but with 48 km/h it drops to 12 km/h).

Ah, so “minimum time” would be the maximum traverse

Maximum time means you’re going the slowest you possibly can.

Minimum time means the fastest.

Basically, the amount of time taken is inversely proportional to the speed, which makes sense since the faster you do something, the less time it takes to complete that task.

The manual they used for the M41’s and M41A1’s turret traverse is EXPLICITLY stating the “Maximum time required to traverse 360 degrees by power” to be 15 seconds, and that averages out to 24 degrees per second. In other words, these M41’s CANNOT TAKE LONGER than 15 seconds to fully rotate their turrets by power, it is quite literally as slow as they can go when using powered traverse.

I pointed this out in my bug report, but their response just ignored it completely.

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Even I can understand this, it’s not complicated.

This could easily be sorted out in dialogue with a tech mod, if they’re willing to have the conversation

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Except the reason I made this bug report is precisely because I did bring it up to a tech mod.

I made a forum topic pointing out this inconsistency, and the person that made the original bug report that nerfed the M41’s turret traverse is a technical moderator, and they said they would ask Gaijin to revert the change.

I only made the bug report months later after nothing had changed.

Note: the reply I’ve posted here is from August 23rd. My bug report was made exactly 3 months later, in October 23rd (obviously last year).

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Oh… wow… so the Devs do know the difference between “maximum time” and “minimum time”, but have chosen to stick with the historically incorrect interpretation.

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Literally yesterday someone on OddBawz’ Discord asked me “hows the fight going to get the bulldog turret nerf undone”.

I just said I’ve given up. There’s literally nothing I can do when the devs don’t want a change to happen.


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It’s the same regarding the lack of blow-out panels on the CCVL and XM8. The XM8 was added 3 years ago, and still nothing. Now in the dev server they’re adding autoloader damage model that further nerfs the tank.

The game is not “crafted carefully from historical documents” if somebody at the dev team refuses to model the tank with the capability it had IRL. It’s not just a minor balance thing like ammunition choice or reload speed, it’s a central feature of the tank. The split turret layout was made precisely so that the ammunition could be blow-out protected.


I got a good queastion when will Japan get the F-2A or is it wait and see what happens

British Hispanos have 600 RPM, French 700 RPM.

The reason is: The RoF is between 600-700 so it’s not wrong. lol

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I wonder why they’re gimped, actually, we should give the 2A7V DM73 now that I think about it cause otherwise it would be a gimped counterpart of the Irl capabilities.
Quity possibly can you make your mind on why I haven’t played Israel?
Probably because having to grind other trees that I have interest in I don’t find having to play through 25 more M60s/T-55s with slight gimmicls enjoyable, Same goes for the air tree.
I will agree with you, the stuff that is wrong should be fixed, but it should be made so the game is somewhat balanced the same way the F-16C did not come with AIM-120s the Baz M won’t come with P4s, they will likely be a future addition, also I’m sorry the only radar AA you have is a Shilka, my 9.3 AA doesn’t even get a gun, yours gets a gun and Stingers lmao.
Quite honestly I think your point should be more Gaijin wake up and fix this stuff instead of uee Gaijin bad cause they won’t give our stuff realistic stuff to gimp it compared to real life.
They are likely mistakes, many such cases happen in this game of wrong code, wrong models, wrong alot, make it more clear that you want said stuff fixed, if Spookston could go the extra mile and wait God knows how long just for the M41 turret rotation speed to be buffed slightly I’m sure you can get a datalink on your F-15.

when new dev server?

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It updated from .15 to .17 about 6 hours ago and will probably get another update at about the same time tomorrow.

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The -5 gun depression comes from an early tank manuals (pre production?), a newer tm states it has 10 but lost the hydraulic traverse system, and the rate got reduced to m46 levels, it also lost the 50 cal
edit: same for the weight 90mm Gun Tank M47 incorrect combat weight - Documented Ground Reports - War Thunder - Official Forum

The MAWS system is broken, it cannot be turned off especially in the F111.

Then it just goes to show how Gaijin cannot cherry pick like they do. The M47 we now have is an even greater frankenstein’s monster than before.

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Yeah, I am still waiting at some bone for MBT enjoyers, hahah.

A single new addition, armor fixes, mobility fixes… anything! So far, all we’ve got is ZTZ-99A’s rework and today’s update didn’t change anything compared to the first dev iteration.


Rumors were talking about 2.39.0 now the DEV server is 2.38.17
Can we expect more new stuff coming, like the Swiss F-5E for Germany before we reach 2.39?