Major Update “Dance of Dragons” — DEV Server Changelog (30.08.2024)

  • Huge win with the HSTV-L receiving its HE-VT round, hopefully some tracking features will be added to take more advantage of it. From my understanding, the vehicle had optical auto-tracking capability. Can’t forget about the AH-1Z receiving at least AGM-114K’s.
  • Some requested Ammunition changes:
    • I think one thing that should change is the addition of the HOT-3 for the VCAC Mephisto and adjust its BR to 9.0.
    • To support this, the AMX-30B2 BRENUS should receive the OFL 105 F2 APFSDS-T round (or similar if needed for BR purposes) and have it moved up 9.0, making it highly effective at penning difficult vehicles. This is also to differentiate it from the standard AMX-30B2 as it doesn’t make sense for the “upgraded” version to be the same BR as the base.
    • The VEXTRA 105 should receive the OFL 105 F2 APFSDS-T round and be moved up to 10.0-10.3 and be added to Rank VII.
    • JH-7A should receive its PL-12 ARH missile, it doesn’t make sense for it to not have it when it was designed to fire BVR missiles.
    • F-16A Block 15 MLU (ROC) should get its AIM-9P-4’s for its starter missiles and AIM-9M’s for its research missile. The aircraft should have AIM-120A/B’s as a placeholder. If they won’t do this for the aircraft, at least give it an “Early” designation or something.
    • AH-64D/AH-1Z should both receive the AGM-114L ‘Longbow’ as its premier missile. While the missile is FnF and can target through smoke, it’s still limited by the launching platform’s capabilities, enemy SPAA, topography/buildings, and a max range of ~8km. If not, expedite the AH-64E and add the Spike NLOS.
    • Both the Leopard 2A7V/Challenger 3TD should have DM63/DM63A1 that significantly reduces the issue of ammunition cookoff, greatly increasing survivability. At the very minimum for the Challenger 3TD.
    • The F-16C Barak II doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t have any capability of BVR, it should not have the AIM-120. I think the aircraft should exchange the AIM-120 for Python 4’s as a way to exclusively introduce the missile.
    • The T-80UE-1 should receive the 3BM60 APFSDS-T round as it was designed to fire more modern munitions.
    • The BMP-3 should receive 3UBR11 APFSDS-T rounds and be moved up in BR, or the vehicle should be split between an early and late version. The version we have in-game is the (I believe) 2017 model since it received the Sodema imager. It’s a modern variant that should pair with the BMP-2M. If not, a new version of the vehicle like with 4S24 DZ and/or an earlier model be added.
    • F-111C/F should receive the AIM-9M and only 4x of them since that was the loadout. It’s the ultimate form of the aircraft with access to AGM-65D/G’s and should have a formidable defense missile.
  • There are several other vehicles that should receive its proper ammunition and can be listed here. I hope others add on to it.

Not saying it deserves the br or anything but the churchill pen calculator is wrong, one hot to the roof and it will detonate. Its a massive weakspot for it and even the short 75mm on the german panzers can go right through as long as your close enough.

Also, i just wanted to point out that the T 14 is going to be below this thing, and i can savely say that i would much rather play that thing then this anyday. Some will say the T 14 is at too low of a br, may br true but this is what a heavy tank should be like and its actually penable by most things it faces as the turret is a big weakspot. They removed the points you got from bounces which serverly effect heavy tanks and with the constant increases in br for them they really need to have another look at how they balance them. But situations like the kv 1b should not happen as they should realistically be 4.7 as most things at that br still struggle to pen an angled kv 1b.

Their never going to add the dm63 as it doesnt fit their intended “playstyle”. We all saw what happened when you remove the ability to ammo rack an mbt (T-80bvm) and so i doubt well be seeing anything like that for a while, unless a russian tank gets access to it of course.

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You’re right but I really hope you end up being wrong. At one point they did say that some nations “would be left behind” in some regard but they change their minds all the time. Nations shouldn’t be gimped because of another. Technology advances and disregarding this will only lead to a decline in the game at some point.

Have you like… tried any other nation before complaining?
I can assure you, it is not just IAI that suffers. I’m sorry you even get top tier aircrafts with guided munitions or any meaningful way to provide any support in GRB, Japan only gets the F-16AJ
With 6 AGM-65B and 4x9Ls.
At top tier that is your only option to provide support without relying on dumb bombs.
The Type 81 (C) relies purely on teammates for self defence and target spotting unless you spot the 4 Su-25 with guided rockets that are firing at you from their airspawn.
And they just now received some “domestic” stuff too with the AAM-3. You asking for Python 4 is like me asking for the F-2A to come, I wonder why they’re not adding something more modern that would overthrow the competition when other nations can’t fair with it.
Just more nationalistic cope masked in victimism to get a better response from weak minded individuals in the community/dev team.
I’m sure people with actual criticism skill would not enjoy stuff like that.


The 2A7 is already ridiculously powerful, so they are good without any buffs.

Also the T-80U-E1 isn’t get 3BM60 because they don’t want to move it to 11.7.

@Smin1080p_WT Sorry for pinging but will the T-80UE-1’s camo net be made an optional modification?


did anything change for the update on the dev server? the 0.17 one?

A french DD was added .Besides that, I found nothing.

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Another french coastal as well → Arras


When this fix?

@Smin1080p_WT The A-10C cannot be hung with a sighting container and 6x AGM-65D, Is this how it should be?

Once again another update, not a fix for the Lvakan 48 for the Lvkv 42 and VEAK 40… Having 850 m/s as its best muzzle velocity, compared to the AMX-13 DCA 40, And Leopard 40/70 with 1005 m/s.

gaijin the Lvakan 48 is a darn 40mm L/70 Same gun as on the Leopard 40/70! Its just licence produced by Italy.

Trying to shoot down fast jets with the VEAK 40 HEFI-T with a mere 850 m/s is the hardest thing to do. With the HE-VT it was atleast bearable. We have provided the evidence and still nothing has been changed since the addition of sweden.

Praying anybody with any influence at gaijin watches this… So it can finally be fixed and my suffering ended,


I’m asking so that Smin1080p_WT doesn’t have to, do you have a report on the issue?

There has been multiple, and i made one a year ago. and about 3months ago there was another one with even more information. but Everybody has presented the same image:


The suggested fix for now that @McPuff suggested was to either fix the ammunition or to just temporaraly Give the Lvakan 48 the same ammunition as the AMX-13 DCA 40, and Leopard 40/70.

Since the velocity of the specific round is 986/960 m/s!

Mcpuffs bugreport, As mine was only forwarded as a “suggestion”??


What’s up with the M46/M47 reverse speed nerf? It was correct all these years and suddenly they nerf it to 12 km/h…like they did with the M41’s turret rotation


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I would hope that Gaijin would give the Swedish J32B Lansen Its Radar&IR Guided Gun sight, so i can atleast attempt to knock the constant Super sonics in uptiers down abit.

Sight 6A, see image 1, is used for shooting with guns, rockets, or missiles against both aerial and ground targets. It is an all-weather sight, meaning that information about the target’s position is available even when the aircraft cannot directly observe the target due to poor visibility or darkness. The sight head, which is a main component of the sight, consists of a day and a night part. In the sight head, two parallel sight images are generated, see image 2, which are optically projected to infinity. The right sight image, which is part of the night section, is obtained with the help of a picture tube that displays the reticle, Me-image, and/or radar image, as well as a horizon bar. The left sight image, which is part of the day section, consists only of a reticle, obtained with the help of a mirror on a gyro.



Still no update for the changelog? I know there must be some details hiding behind the snail.


I’ve answered this in another thread.