M41A1 turret traverse

And German F4s getting missiles they never mounted isn’t the same thing? Pointing out issues in the game doesn’t mean there aren’t other issues.

I made a bug report using the same source.

Not sure why people are so anti-missile for the F-4F.

I don’t care either way. It’s just funny how the F5 getting flares is treated like some game breaking injustice but it’s rather minor compared to other ahistorical decisions.

Nerfing them instead of getting the AIM-9L is a little different.

You’re not pointing out issues, your claiming snailsoft loves Germany over the US for some reason.

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You can take it how ever you want.

Thank you for pointing out the issue, I’ve passed it to devs to revoke the change. If you have further reference indicating 36 degree/sec traverse speed then please send it to me. It’ll help resolving the issue.


I provided an active bug report.
All I asked with mine is minimum brought up from 16.8 to 24, which would have an ace-crew effect of ~34.2 per second.


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I will take it as written.

Also, seems like some quick action on the report.

Abrams_X is simply stating that he has contacted the developers and will try to rectify the issue that came from the bug report he made, which I and (I’d like to believe) everyone else appreciates.

However that does not mean that the developers have taken any action at all, and they might not take any action for a good while. In fact, the developers can make the equally likely decision to not revert the change and keep the M41A1 as is with its 24º/s turret traverse instead of 36º/s.

I also want to point out that this is something that affects the American, German, Japanese and possibly even the Chinese M41. Making this purely about the US M41 is a bit pointless (although I have to concede it is a bit on me as well, as I specifically tagged this post “usa”).

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In fact, there’s a reason I said this:

There were quite a few complaints made. One of them came from Spookston, the content creator. He provided Smin1080p a bunch of documents pertaining to the M41, specifically the M41A1/T41E2, that talked a lot about improvements to the turret traverse and how it had been designed to meet a “5 second engagement time requirement”. What this basically means is that even if a target was on the complete opposite way of where the turret was facing, the T41E2 had a turret traverse fast enough to turn those 180º in 5 seconds (in other words, 36º/s).

Spookston messages

However, even with this, the developer response, received via Smin1080p, was the following (this is a transcript from the Discord messages):


Particularly important part highlighted in yellow.

So yes, I do believe that it is entirely possible that the developers might not revert the change whatsoever.


I just wanna say, my only issue was the how fast German bias got brought up in a thread trying to get the walker Texas bulldog(M41) fixed.

Like, why? Why bring it up?

Why is it so unreasonable to bring up ahistorical turret traverse in a discussion on how Gaijin is holding US turret traverse to historical documents?

Germany & China also have the M41.

They do

But…other nations have the same vehicles…you brought up Germany…for no reason. I would say, in an unreasonable way.

I brought up the fact that Germany fetes brought up in a thread about US tanks getting a historical buff and you went on about Germany.

How many other vehicles in game use turret drives that depend on engine RPM for power?

Man, you wanna move the goal post, that’s fine.

This hate boner is still confusing to me.

See, now you’re deflecting. If no other nation’s tanks have rpm dependent turret drives, why would I bring them up?

Panther A got its turret turn rate also lowered due to the engine governor.

There are no tanks (US-Tanks aswell) which have a lower turret turn rate with lower engine rpm for example while the engine is idle the turret turns slower.

I believe the point he is making is that the Panther A should have a powered traverse entirely dependent on the current engine RPM, and not just the maximum achievable like it is now.
20º/s should only be achievable if the engine at that moment was running at 2500 RPM, much like how 24º/s was achievable with the engine running at 3000 RPM. With that said, the Panther A’s turret traverse is always 20º/s, even if the engine is idling.

My guess is that it is simply a limitation of the current game engine. It likely would require quite a bit of code work to add a mechanic where the turret traverse of a tank increases to a certain maximum depending on engine RPM, but most important of all it would be a niche mechanic that would only be applied to stuff like Panthers and not many other tanks.

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