Major Update Concept/Pitch - "Call of Mahabharata" - The Indian Nation & Ground Tree

How long did this take u to make???

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1. Bharat 52

I’m unsure about the Bharat 52, for a few reasons:

  1. The Bharat 52 is largely a Towed Artillery Piece, and from what I’ve been able to research, isn’t capable of long-distance self-propulsion nor move at a speed to be competitive in the game.
  2. There are no public specifications regarding the propulsion (Engine, HP, Max Speed, etc.) of the Bharat 52, one key thing with the India Tree is that every vehicle has information regarding its specifications. BUT, if you do find anything, we’ll be happy to consider adding it.
  3. From the footage I’ve seen of it firing, reloading, etc., it seems that it requires the crew to dismount and create a proper firing position, and is incapable of operating on the move or being able to operate without being stationary.
  4. There seems to be multiple variants of the Gun Carriage used to carry the Bharat 52, which may have different specifications.
  5. A Self-Propelled Gun Carriage in the most literal sense as seem with the Bharat 52, would be new to the game, and I and others aren’t entirely sure as to how it would preform in game.

So for right now, it’ll be on the shelf

If the Bharat 52 is the Indian designation of the ATAG SPG than it could be added since there is a Trucked mounted variant of it called the “ATAGS MGS”

However, your suggestion for Indonesia and Sri Lanka as a potential subtree, we are currently looking into, so we are open to any suggestions… or objections…

I do agree that Bangladesh wasn’t a good choice as a subtree for India I don’t think Sri-Lanka would offer much in terms of Ground vehicles (it’s a slightly different story in Air and Naval). Because of that have you consider adding Afghanistan and/or Armenia as a subtree since they offer way more in terms of ground vehicles and Armenia in particular is increasingly procuring more weapons from India

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FRCV now has his name
(Do not pay attention to the picture)


Thanks, love your work will you consider making an air tree or a heli tree to go alongside the ground tree?

What is that?


T-80 and STB-1 child




Bharat 52 is a different artillery gun than the ATAGS. Even the MGS doesn’t make sense in the game because it does not have any depression, nor can it swivel around. It always has a slight elevation for its gun which would not work in the game.

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Originally this was done in a few hours by myself on my own, but if it quicky turned into a multi-month project, a discord server, and about a dozen or so people helping me on the regular, and we still going!


Is this a real image or AI generated?

Ai generated, probably by journalists. Not even by a tank designer((

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Indonesian URO VAMTAC


What is that vehicle?

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It is unrecognizable. Where are you find this?

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Jaguar, though I don’t think the one displayed is specifically for India


From the color of the case, I guessed that it was most likely a French, but extra green triangles confused me.

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So it seems that India is evaluating the Jaguar

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