Yeah its not ready yet, they’re still in early development but it will require a programmer as you said. They plan on adding new ATGM’s to the vehicle too. They’re trying to make the BMP-2 Sarath an adaptable vehicle, like commercial off the shelf style.
Suggestions for tech trees/subtrees are specifically for the concept of the tree in question and not really about what exact vehicles make up the tree. Including vehicles is necessary to show that your idea has merit but at the end of the day the post isn’t about seeing the tree exactly in the form as described by the original poster or any commenters who have their own ideal version. I wouldn’t get too hung up on whether one version or another “should be” the one to be added.
This is not true. The VSHORAD has successfully passed the trials and is going to be integrated with different systems for all the branches of the armed forces.
This particular deal is just between two companies to offer them to Indian Army which most likely will be rejected. Thales has offered the Starstreak missile to Indian Army multiple times in the past and has failed every time.
In my view technologically the VSHORAD is a superior missile than the Starstreak given the kind of requirement Indian armed forces have.
Absolutely all activities of the defense industry of India its a unpredictability.
Initially, they had a very long delay in the initial development of their VSHORAD, and IIRC, its efficiency was at the level of the OSA-AK.
Some time later, they make tender for VSHORAD between K30 Biho and Pantsir-s. Biho won, India already signed a purchase order, but instantly refused to buy.))))
In autumn of 2024 they show successful field tests of domestic improved VSHORAD missiles.
And??? Instead developing new domestic VSHORAD gun+missiles on domestic light hull (like Zorawar hull, wich India already produce), they resumed negotiations on the purchase of the pantsir-s.))))))))
In January 2025 India did Last field tests of domestic VSHORAD missiles and says “we ready to produce and use it”.
But now comes out news about close cooperation with Thales and Indian military company. Cause
Commodore A Madhavarao (Retd.), Chairman and Managing Director of BDL, emphasized the importance of this collaboration, stating, “This initiative aligns perfectly with our Government’s ‘Make in India,’ ‘ease of doing business,’ and ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat’ programmes, giving a major boost to the local industry through partnerships with global organisations like Thales.”
The Thales-BDL partnership represents a significant step forward in strengthening India’s defense capabilities through international collaboration and indigenous manufacturing. The delivery of the STARStreak missile systems is anticipated to provide the Indian Armed Forces with a cutting-edge solution to counter diverse aerial threats effectively.
As i say
Absolutely all activities of the defense industry of India its a unpredictability
You are confusing between VSHORAD the missile and the SPAAG systems that have been under procurement by Indian Army multiple times.
Note that both the Pantsir and Biho are SPAAGs not comparable to VSHORAD which is just a missile that can form a part of these systems.
VSHORAD was never comparable to OSA-AK given the vast difference between the two missiles. QRSAM and VL-SRSAM can be compared to OSA-AK.
VSHORAD is a system that is DRDOs baby and BDL is a license manufacturer which till now used to get missile ToTs from DRDO as a default. But given the new private players coming into the field as DcPP, the competition has increased for BDL.
Never take Indian officials’ statements at face value. This is just a way of them justifying the deal and talking about some sweet nothings regarding the ToTs which Indian Defence PSUs have been engaged in from quite a long time. As for the integration of VSHORAD with different platforms, it is but matter of time.
I believe that Indian army is rather worried over the drone threat given the kind of jugaad solutions it is coming up with to improve the Air Defence capability like truck mounted HMGs and anti-aircraft guns.
VSHORAD is Very Short Range Air Defense.
This is a class of air defense.
This is exactly Pantsir-S and K30 Biho or anything with shoot range less than 15km. It’s not only missiles, its anything (SPAAG or SPAAM or Laser, or EW) with short range efficiency
With reference to India, it is the missile program name to develop a man portable air defence. I know the general definition is what you have said but my replies have only been with reference to the VSHORAD missile program by DRDO. There is no other name right now for it by which I can reference it.
As a suggestion moderator please tell me, what does it take for a suggestion to get added to the game. Also how long is the moderation process meant to last? I made a Pine Gap map suggestion a week ago and still isn’t approved
I’m unsure about the Bharat 52, for a few reasons:
The Bharat 52 is largely a Towed Artillery Piece, and from what I’ve been able to research, isn’t capable of long-distance self-propulsion nor move at a speed to be competitive in the game.
There are no public specifications regarding the propulsion (Engine, HP, Max Speed, etc.) of the Bharat 52, one key thing with the India Tree is that every vehicle has information regarding its specifications. BUT, if you do find anything, we’ll be happy to consider adding it.
From the footage I’ve seen of it firing, reloading, etc., it seems that it requires the crew to dismount and create a proper firing position, and is incapable of operating on the move or being able to operate without being stationary.
There seems to be multiple variants of the Gun Carriage used to carry the Bharat 52, which may have different specifications.
A Self-Propelled Gun Carriage in the most literal sense as seem with the Bharat 52, would be new to the game, and I and others aren’t entirely sure as to how it would preform in game.
So for right now, it’ll be on the shelf
2. FICV “Quagmire”
A few things about this vehicle:
From what I’ve researched, the FICV “Quagmire”, isn’t actually called the “Quagmire”. Rather, the word comes from a news headline: “Future Infantry Combat Vehicle (FICV) Quagmire: Analysis of the Paralysis and Way Forward”, where instead, it appears to be referring to the FICV program as a whole being a “Quagmire” (an awkward, complex, or hazardous situation). This is also supported by the image you use, where it simply refers to the IFV as “FICV Tracked”.
I could be wrong, but the image your using appears to be a [Plastic?] mockup of the FICV Tracked. If you can find an image of a prototype, tech demonstrator, or an exhibition vehicle, we would gladly consider it.
We previously did have Bangladesh as a subtree, however it received some backlash for a handful of reasons, but mainly:
While Bangladesh is a close Indian ally, they are also a large importer of Chinese military equipment, which would create an unwanted mix of Indian and Chinese vehicles in the tree.
Hence, Only the BTR-80 PGR is the only Bangladeshi vehicle in the tree, and even that we are considering removing for a variety of additional reasons.
However, your suggestion for Indonesia and Sri Lanka as a potential subtree, we are currently looking into, so we are open to any suggestions… or objections…
I hope this makes sense! Feel free to ask any additional questions!