Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

we have another Apache to get we don’t have the AH-64E

Do we know yet if the new defense minister has change that decision yet?

idk what do they even plan on using from now on tbh

Technically Thatz is the Canadian vehicle expert. I just learned it was Canadian by someone sending me a YT video of a CC covering the leak.

but I can’t find anything on it past a sentence on Wikipedia. (on both the SARC and CMP page)

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thoughts and prayers of course

@Thatz We need help with this thing the “sarc-mk4f”

My only guess would be the H145M with Spike ER2s

top 5 reasons not to enlist in the Bundeswehr:

that’s not a proper attack heli and even was set as a temporary replacement

yes but it’s there now and it’s the best we’ll get for some time

I guess? but it wont change much we might get Longbow Hellfires but gaijin seems adamant on not adding them for some reason (we have fire and forget Spikes on helis so I dont see why not)

are those FnF or Laser guided?

Spikes and PARS-3s can be defeated by smoke. Longbow Hellfires cant because they are radar guided

Pars can be defeated by themselves forgetting what they wanted to hit


Too op at the minute
They may add them at some point

PARS 3 irl cant really they guide to the last point the target was spotted at when they lose sight of it and relock if possible

hence the name fire and forget


Ingame they instantly explode the moment they lose lock

yes ingame they are fire and forgot