Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)


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honestly the way he says it i am not sure , could be only because it isnt announced Twitch

So it will not be released in this update or is it simply not announced at the moment, to say anything specifically? These are different interpretations, for understanding

so what have I missed today any data mines?

lol told you it had a chance of coming as a preorder next update

never denied that

only the Dev server datamine part 2 on reddit

got a link? I havent seen it

Oh, I just learned something. the SARC Mk 4F for Oliviia’s leaks is based on a Ford F60L a CMP truck.

I thought it would be this

And hey you know who else use this ?

Poland heheh


Oh wha Israel used it too ?





That would be cool.

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I have every single magach spaded, don’t generalise, thank you

I feel like most of the Olivia’s leaked things would be for these events.

I hope we get too see that A-2 Stuka soon

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What stuka* is that?

I did too. But I get sent a link of someone talking about it and TEC as well.

But apparently, it’s a SARC based off of this:



And speaking of TEC despite covering the 5-line limit he was talking about the uptick of Canadian vehicles and how he thinks they’ll be a Canadian sub-tree despite no room for one.


The very early ones with the massive landing gear housing

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