Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

I’ve heard that it’s similar in performance to the AIM-120C-5, so if it’s not butchered, you’ve got yourself one hell of a missile.

Eh, if its a premium or event vehicle it doesnt matter how fleshed out the BR of a nation already is

If that is the case, then yeah, it will be good, Though id fear its BR. But if we are getting C5 level AMRAAM, then that bodes well for the Tornado

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also the effect of radar beam on the ground :

and more SAM sites cause why not :


well in the dev sever they are identical to derby

Either what I’ve read is wildly wrong, or Gaijin just hasn’t finished it.

most likely the latter

I mean yea true but that still doesn’t answer the question why make a worse model over the one we already have.

Well, they are supposed to be veeeeery similar since Israel and South Africa cooperated when developing the Derby and R-Darter respectively

Also, can someone please answer this question?

Nothing really

Unfortunately, I dont speak russian. So… Maybe, but it was in Russian

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I just did a little bit more research, and it seems that it does indeed have comparable performance to the Derby.

Having played with ALL the ARH missiles. I’m really not looking forward to the following patch.

The dev server needs to give reasonable figures for the burn times of ARH engines. We can’t really test those missiles properly when they barely have much range.

I’m already finding it sickening because it turned out to be exactly as terrible as I feared.

ARH is a mistake at this point in time with these planes and this BR compression. IRCCM was already a mistake.


How is the MICA? Is it comically broken compared to the other like it should be?

Improved Strella ??? Are you sure about that? It’s a Shilka with 4 Iglas, which, while they can be nice, are nothing compaired to a Strella missile


Yes because it’s like all thrust-vector missiles and enjoys spinning around for the sheer joy of it.

Not comically broken because it’s slightly worse in BVR than AIM-120A but WVR is where it shines thanks to TVC

Not the type of broken I was talking about, but I guess that’s to be expected with Gaijin.

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