Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Well for people like me that gonna such

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@Smin1080p welcome back. I hope you had a nice restful break.

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I hope this part is changed though. That kinda sucks.

Also would be nice to know how this is planned to be translated over to SB. I asked twice and never got a response

You forgot this bit

“Currently, War Thunder features 10 playable nations, and we have no intentions of stopping there! However, as we introduce new nations, it becomes increasingly challenging to capture the attention of veteran players”


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I don’t even have all the nations I want to play up to where I want but I’m disappointed in no new nation myself.

I haven’t forgotten anything. You just need to ease off the copium a little bit ))


Thank you. It was.


Oh how I want the Superhind for Britain.


just ported over the suggestion from the old forum its pending right now


Lets see if it actually comes at the time the road map says, since it was on the last roadmap as well, and failed to come


First off, welcome back Smin, long time no see

That’s not a position I’d want to take
Because that, would in fact imply that a vehicle is balanced based on what nation it is awarded to. When, if memory serves, the Developers have denied on multiple occasions they’ve shown any bias towards/against a nation whatsoever…

That is quite frankly disappointing. But then again I shouldn’t be surprised.
We asked this question on release for the Tornado. As to why the GR.1 magically got Mk.101s, yet the ASSTA 1 got Mk.105s, a noticeably superior variant of the engine with more power available. Despite the fact the ASSTA shouldn’t have even had Mk.105s.

Depends. While I agree, it’s not as bad as it could be, I’d argue that’s more because they’ve been forced to change their approach to the British Tree. Even now they’ve only just started adding native light/recce vehicles, with the Fox coming this patch and the Vickers Mk.11… we still don’t have any representatives of the CVR(T) family, which are accepted to be an integral part of the British Army between the 1960s to 1990s, and also present a number of interesting variations that I suspect many players would like to see.

Fine then we’ll call them “omissions” or “inaccuracies” if that’s more tolerable to the developers… they’re still things that are debatably wrong (certainly the Regen steering is) and that’s two examples you’ve listed there.

On a more light hearted note, the Brits are a bit high on it. THREE WHOLE VEHICLES
That’s insane for us. Especially muh Fox, the Bucc and everyone’s favourite

the Wessex

Humphrey Skin when?

Based take from Alvis


But we need those 20x Martels on the Wildcat

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Ground RB players are going to hold us to blame when we singlehandedly ruin the mode with that, I hope you realise

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So its working with already present nation we would start to grind? That’s good news i was afraid it’s only for the next news :D

Nah, that wont be the Martels. That will be the Brimstones on the Harrier or Tornado

Well the roadmap promised 3 a day boosts per tech tree.
If it’s more than that then fantastic.

I’m excited for the AH-60 with 16 Spikes, finally a reason to grind Israel.

@Smin1080p I’m sorry to keep asking, but have the devs even begun to look into the reports for the spall liners on Chinese MBT’s, or will we have to wait until after work is finished on the Challys for the devs to start looking into that? I keep asking simply because to those concerned we have heard nothing official about any progress

The UK heli tree can be on of the most expansive in the game, if gaijin decides to add our helicopters, the wessex will hopefully be the first of many