Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Hee… No.

Ok 14 MICAs would be crazy powerfull, but M4K is way older than F15EX and F35, and outside loadout, it’s really an older plane and have nothing to do alongside them.

Mirage 4000 is from the late 80s ^^


Yep MICA is a universal missile and the only one that comes to mind with both ARH and IR variants (other than like ASRAAM but those are not interchangeable like MICA is).

oh ok! dont really know much about french flying bois, thanks!

I don’t see that being competitive to be honest. An F-15EX with 10+ AIM-120D’s to spam is going to win before you can even launch the MICA unfortunately.

Better off hoping for Rafale F.5 standard which is rumoured to enter service somewhere after 2027 or the meteor Dual pylons which are in development.

I imagine the F-15EX will be limited to just dual pylons rather than the quad pylons on the inboard wing station


by the time we get to the EX its going to need those dual pylons

And also a ground/navy launched variant (VL-MICA) :p

Definitely but i don’t want to be using a max of 10 AAM’s on my EF and 8 on my Rafale to then be met by 26(?) AIM-120D’s.

Depends if they even roll out those dual meteor pylons.

True but i meant how you can use IR and EM on the same pylon.

Otherwise I’d point towards CAMM/ASRAAM being in a similar vein.

Still very cool missiles.

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It would be balance by the flight model difference and better radar if that EFT has the new radar in it

I don’t look forward to launching and then notching praying my meteor gets him before i get SPAMRAAM’d.

god I hope they dont add Python 4s out of the blue like that jesus, I think more advanced IR missiles need to go through testing like ARH missile did on the dev because just throwing Python 4s which have good IRCCM and 50Gs is insane

Laughs in estimated to be likely 70G realistically

Personally, I won’t gaijin add Derby BVRAAM on F-16D Block 40 Barak in second major update because trial but might hope nerf flare resistance of Python 4 8% or 10% before replace AIM-9M & AIM-7M

Yh I’m an israel main and I wouldn’t want them to just add it randomly, however they did the same thing with R73, hmmmmmmmmm very interesting. I wouldn’t worry about it tho, I mean firstly they will add an OP soviet dream missile and then they will MAYBE add something better for NATO

No I meant German F-4F on training in the US. US never operated F-4F variant.

and then you know i said i stopped doing it.

WT Mobile 's devblogs for their next major update are beginning: [Soon in game] The ram is ready! - War Thunder Mobile - Online Military Action Game - Play for Free

Now that Israel is being added, they’ll have every playable nation currently in WT. So if they start moving to playable nations beyond those, ahead of us, that might not be far off.
May or may not happen before they’ve caught up moving upwards in BR.


It was only tested on Barak II but never integrated to the service fleet because at that time US already allowed Israel to buy AIM-120 so Derby became a purely export missile. Imo Barak II should be armed with AIM-9L and Python 4 only as it was irl.

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Chill dude

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he doesnt know what he’s talking about, he just doesnt want competition