Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

yeah lol I’m looking forward to it

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Is it just me overreading War Thunder’s YT channel posting about subs or is it something we should genuinely be excited about?

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Looked him up quickly, didn’t do a full read but won medals both in USSR and USA somehow.
What’s so bad about him?

Why is it f’d up then?

Gaijin please i need my submarines 😭

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Because of his personal grudge against Yakovlev


I know this is a modernized Eastern Europe but id still apperciate this map because I like the art style of mixing modern elements with historical buildings.

Still, we need a T-80BVM painted full black with three stripes running from UFP to engine deck sitting in that mall, it must be there.

China is arguably the tree with the least popular tier 7 premium(A-5C is miles better), and I can see something coming, but most likely a GE one. AIM-9P-4 being datamined however, might point towards an upgraded Taiwanese F-5.

No, the whole of USSR and russia

Because of his (Pokryshkin’s) personal grudge against Yakovlev

@Smin1080p are we getting a devblog for the Alpha Jet? Looking forward to it…

He’s in vacation from what I know


Yea he should be back by the end of the week lol

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That was originally primarily supposed to be a troll post, but I ended up having some pretty good discussions with people about how captured Vehicles could be implemented into different nations

Captured T-90M? Nahh.
Tiger 131? Aye chap.

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I mean Gaijin used to do captured premiums but I do think nowadays captured are better for events along with tested vehicles.

Gaijin where is your sponsorship in Tiger Day? All I see is wargaming, which is understandbly much bigger than gaijin though.

That’s a new model of Type VII isn’t it? With the deck guns and that pod aft of the sail?

Is it from WT Mobile?

For some reason, I found both the BF109C and FW190C to be the ugliest out of their respective family