Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Gaijin y u tease us?

Just gib subs




its gonna be off topic but i can easily explain myself in PMs

go ahead

Who’s gonna tell him about Т-62 №545?

i wasnt talking about the price or whatever, im talking about the word choice

@someweirdname bro wtf did i message you?

I’m not talking about price either.

huh so apparently they are also reworking HESH again and now it doesnt matter it always seems to pen? I mean I guess that is kinda more accurate to what HESH does but also I find it amazing you can hit a maus and just pen it now with 105mm HESH

Why they been doing this for years hell I even got it.

1,300 isn’t a bad price as you can get 2,500 for 13 quid. While you can get like two weeks of premium iirc.

So I don’t get the complaint here

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broo not the price i explained to guy above in PMs too

i will copy paste

What is this?

If I want to complain about an announcement to who should I really?

isnt this the forum section for this update? why are you complaining about it here?

its kinda about the current event and like everything in announcements is kinda the same thing

It this point you might as well post it here as I don’t think anyway knows why there is a problem.

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Any Fix to HESH is a good one. I did not enjoy spading the FV4005 because of how bad HESH is.

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