Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

with them actually making R darter into the game i want it


Can I get one without BVRAAMs, please?

possible the E can be that for you

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Gaijin loves C&P so they’ll always pick that first.

I don’t hate coalitions I hate a collation made up as of many nations as possible: “Commonwealth” “Redfor/Bluefor” and “Untied Minor Nations” all exist with as many nations as possible just to have no C&P.

3 nation max for collection. So things like Bendlux, the remaining dominions(Canada, Australia, New Zealand), ABC tree, NDI tree etc. All of these could be done if needed with the sub-tree system if needs be.

Gaijin has shown less nations in a TT the more likely the unique stuff would be picked (both production and prototypes) so the less nations in TT the less C&P.

I wonder why? maybe it’s because I ain’t just talking about one nation like Canada but all of them. So it doesn’t make sense as I’d be spreading all day doing research on vehicles I’ve never even heard of.

That means F-16A Block 20 MLU (2008) with active radar homing BVRAAM AIM-120C-5, LANTERN (AN/AAQ-14 Sharpshooter & AN/AAQ-20 Pathfinder), GBU-10 & GBU-12 Paveway II LGB and AGM-65G Maverick it might be separate from F-16A MLU in china tech tree ?

Sure. What do you do about for example, the CAS shortage for Japan? Or the unique Chinese export vehicles like the JF-17 and the MBT-2000/3000? Some vehicles aren’t made to be used by the country of origin, but in the export market. Otherwise where’s the T-90S for the Russian tree? Or the Lynx for the German tree?

Sure, right after the South Korean and North Korean trees unify under the Japanese tree. /s In other words, absolutely not. Poles and Ukrainians really aren’t fond of each other historically or recently now. Ukraine also doesn’t have enough to be it’s own tree, unless it starts at Rank VII and mostly includes all the foreign aid vehicles received since the thing we can’t talk about started. So that’s out of the picture too. Tbh, just like more Japanese vehicles for Japan makes sense, a Ukrainian subtree in the USSR, as mostly foldered vehicles in the T-80 line makes sense (although people will hate it).

The purpose is to give more players vehicles to play with from their own nations which makes them more likely to stick around in the game instead of just playing US or USSR or Germany.


Most of the unique stuff hasn’t come yet because gaijin knows that the mainstream favourites (American and Soviet stuff) sells way better and is way more common, so it’s also easier to fill multiple trees at once without much effort

What is funny is ZA is also the least popular sub-tree “unique vehicles” don’t matter when the country itself has little people caring for it.

I and plenty if others just skipped ZA until later. And now that I’ve played it I find ZA clashes with the UK playstyle a bit too much.

Gotta love the Su-7B then. Rocket CCIP, no bomb CCIP, NO COUNTERMEASURES AND NO MISSILES but supersonic so you can die going fast instead of slow. LOL

Ideally, yeah, there would be a newer, seperate F-16 MLU with access to BVRAAMs in the chinese tree, however if that would also carry newer air to ground weapons depends on how the ground battle landscape evolves

I mean, can you point me towards a supersonic aircraft below 9.3, let alone one capable of reaching a top speed of over 2000 km/h?

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At wich BR was A10s and Su25s added first?

Something around 9.7 ? Can’t remember exactly.

Not sure, but we all know that their BR placement is pure bullcrap, no matter how you look at them

those aren’t supersonic tho

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Imagine the A-10 being rebuilt into a missile bus

Trying to imagine a supersonic A-10 right now, but it just doesn’t work, not even in my fantasy. That airframe just isn’t fit for those speeds


would funcion as a nice SPAA for ground when Seperated BRs are there

but in Air RB? this thing will either be extremely OP or a free kill

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Never said that

Hope not, F-CK-1’s are a good intermediate between the F-5E and a fully correct F-16a MLU.

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I imagine the A-10 getting treated like the Me 262 HG prototype with the same wings but just tilted backwards

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