Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

That is a good point. Its a more iconic aircraft as well.

It’s whatever the IR signature is of the F-18, just in half cus one engine ya know

Also now we have the engines and radar of the F-18, all we need is the actual body lol


F-14A-135GR with ALR-67, GBUs Aim-54Cs…

No idea then, but should be hotter at least. I think more info is available for the F-18 than the F-5. So should be easier to patch if its wrong.

Lmao i’m stealing that

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and when it gets officially announced a subtree, unexperienced players

I love the smell of copium


Wym? Usually sub trees for neglected nations bring in waves of experienced players excited to have new stuff to grind for a tree that just got buffed


F-4EJ is manageable but not Great by any means

hahaha no problem enjoy it!

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Mr Fresh, Mr Smol. Mr Clean and Mr Bleh still waiting for the Mrs Snail finishing the updates.




Nice meme dude had My good laugh with it ngl

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Hope so i’ve had My Bad experience with that

the reason why a lot of the Italian planes are at the br they are now. Because good pilots play them and do extremely well in them


thank you buddy!! its funny and the same time is annoying because they always recive something after the complain when other nations needs it more, they are like the little child of mama for gaijin god haha they fr are truly specials tho HAHA

I’ll take it on the DJP since we have the inferior apache lol.

AV-8B+ (Marina Militare) & Harrier GR.7 armed AGM-65G like F-16C Block 50 & JAS39EBS HU

I feel F-16D Block 40 Barak armed GPS munitions JDAM & Isreal Electro-Optical/GPS guidance kit

Keep in mind that the F-16C only gets 2x AGM-65G, the 6x is unused (hence why it’s on my unused list).