Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Can we get the TU2 loadout with like 88 ppsh’s that just fire on the ground?

the what?

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TU-2 with 88 PPSH-41 sub machine guns in the bomb bay


I need pictures

On my phone rn, look it up

Soviet Schräge musik cant hurt you…

Does this count as nonmeta lol


Soviet engineers looking at other nations:

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yea but that thing is like 7.7 at least

Same missiles on the strv 81 rb52

yea idk if a 7,62mm Tarkov shower is that strong

Against my poor open top tank destroyer it is

bring an Umbrella I guess

Lvkan 4501 a 120mm autocannon, dont know how fast it turns but definitely goofy.


Speaking of just wack vehicles id love to get more big caliber aircraft like 75mm or bigger.

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oh yes, those are funny too

Sure do hope Olivia doesn’t leak anything…


Swedish king tiger mightve not been planned for this update considering the German mains will start backtracking time and looks at the Hungarian tiger last update