Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

What about France and their domestic ifvs? Cv9035NL?

That would be an awesome addition. For example. Mk13s for Britain is 5 bombs. Having an Option for 5 would be really really good.

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I still think one of the largest travesties in the game is Italy getting the VBC30 and then the uk 2 years later still hasn’t got the Stormer 30 when the 2 are pretty much identical in performance since its the same weapon systems on a different hull


the uk sat for almost 2 years with out an actual top br plane im sure italy will get something soon, and they did just get the gripen C at 12.7

That’s not really a domestic IFV x)

If you squint and look at the flag its close enough to the french one :p


he probably was questionning the CV9035NL addition to france at the first place

unnamed (18)


If you turn your head 45° indeed haha

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Just shows even the French flag is not original lol

The flag of the Netherlands (Holland) is a horizontal tricolour of red, white, and blue . Introduced in 1572,

The law of 27 pluviôse, Year II (February 15, 1794), established the “tricolore” as the national flag.




zis is le sentance

CV9035NL talk is back.
Did something get leaked/mined/announced since the original leak?

Centauro 2
Source: Julius Ceasar told me in a dream

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Nope. Just someone asking about it. They must have just saw the leak.

I don’t know, however I’m hoping that Gaijin sees reason that it will be an incredibly asinine addition to France and goes with an actual French thing instead.

As long as they add Dutch vehicles then I’m fime with it. Currently got nothing with a Dutch flag, even after like 2500 vehicles in the game.
Ideally BeNeLux tree though.

Well, if we had no originalty, we would have horizontal stripes → as you, as USA, as Germany, as even russia, as Spain, greece, Romania, Urkaine, india, palestine, irak, syria, egypt, Israel, luxembourg, Taïwan

So many in fact.

The cross, we can find on Scots, Gales and British or even union jack, also are seen in Finland Sweden or norway,…

See the difference stand in the vertical stripes, and that’s why Belgium and France among the top list.

unfortunately BeNeLux tree its highly unlikely they’ve said before that adding a tech tree just for 3 countries its not gonna happen any time soon

BeNeLux would be nice, with Switzerland as a sub nation due to it and Belgium working together on a lot of vehicles.

Where was this said?

Several Q&A