Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

As a matter of fact:

I will forever be upset that the Australian flag has the Union Jack on it.

union flag

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You should always call it the Union flag on land Union jack should always be used on a ship

Oh, is this a specifity? Sorry then, i didn’t knew that.

(As a matter of fact, i’m from the other side of the Channel, so, i don’t know all your cultural names around your symbols)


Q&A idk wich one but they already asked this question like 3 times and responded all with the same “no interest in making a tech tree based in numerous nations”, obviously excluding the subtrees

Yep don’t fall for uneducated trap lol

Have one nation as the main one with the others as “sub” nations. Problem solved.

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How old is that Q&A? Is it newer than last year’s road map where the tease they have plans for new nations/arn’t stoping with what we have?

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its almost like that what Sweden is

@Smin1080p Are there and plans to expand on the armament for the Tornado IDS (1995) for Italy as It did use the weapons and equipment are largely the same as for German aircraft: B61, MW-1, AGM-65, AGM-88, Kormoran, Bofors BOZ-102, AIM-9L and Cerberus. AMI Tornados can also carry JP233, 1,000-lb bombs, ALARM, and Sea Eagle, plus RAF-defensive pods. The AMI also purchased 1,700 IAI Griffin LGB systems in November 1993.

Any thoughts to update the other Tornados so they can a decent CAS loadout within the higher BR brackets for GRB

yeah well doubt it, altough there are cool tech trees that could be added like poland or south korea wich can be added as tech trees and can have subtrees later


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Remember what Smin said just because it there doesn’t mean it will happen or alluded too.

Oh, that type ya that’s fair. It’s why we made main-tree, sub-tree work arounds.

Have a cheeky geez at this dole bludger.

yeah those are good options cuz of their uniqueness

Anyways Vertical stripes → originalty ^^"

Especially if it’s Nigeria.