Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)


Then we will be balling


Not even gonna edit it, it’s too funny

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pinged wrong guy

I know don’t know why it did that

Sorry for the ping once again. It was stated that C1 arietes will receive spall liners. Are there any informations about how it will receive the spall liners, and which variants? Many thanks.


None. Centauro 2 will also not come for another 6 years. Here’s another copypaste Leopard.


I mean, fair point and to be honest i’m somewhat inclined to agree. I’m guilty of it somewhat.

It’s just insanely frustrating to see vehicles arrive in game, months/years after equivalents from other nations have arrived, and it’s very easy to say “oh well we could’ve had this sooner!”

Prime example being the Tornado F.3. Either due to incompetence, malice, stupidity or lack of foresight at the time, it made an appearance after the F-16 arrived, when in fact it probably would’ve fit in well just before the arrival of the F-14. As a result, what should’ve been a great addition that would’ve increased British air capability substantially ended up nearly dead on arrival.

It’s disappointing to see iconic vehicles such as the CVR(T)s just not in game, and yes I know and understand it takes time to make those models, if they’re outsourced, and then get the vehicle added.
I feel like it’s not Gaijin’s attitude now that we’re dealing with. We’re dealing with their attitude before the change, as a result of the development timeline/cycle taking anything up to a year or two.

It however feels very disheartening as a Britbong.


Someone doesn’t like the British


I think the Hungarian Gripen if that can use them.

Adding them on the F-16A ADF would lead to it be moved up to where it would likely be outclassed by other planes at the same BR.

If we applied that rule to American and Russian kit, they may as well stop game development, as you’d be waiting a hilariously long amount of time for it.

But you know, British lights are of course are such a chore to add and talk about, clearly just stupid Brits complaining again, rather than it being an integral part of their tank force in the cold war.


If they give it 9L(i)s aswell it would be fine and they have the mig29 at 12.0 now


They haven’t given M or L/I yet though, despite Italy was the only nation without top 12.3-12.7 jet, so I don’t think they will do it later, but I would be happy to be wrong.

From dev server new version 3 days ago gajin not test AIM-120 on F-16A Block 15 ADF (ITA), AV-8B Plus (ITA) & F-16A Block 20 MLU (ROCAF)

Except HuAF JAS39C Gripen armed AIM-120C-5 BVRAAM and SAAF Gripen C carry R-Darter

I hopefully gajin not forgot change laser designator pods to gen 3 for Gripen C from 3 nations in second major update

In the future I might like to see domestic italian jet trainer/light combat aircraft at 8.7 BR in rank 6

In second major update, I’m not surprised Italian F-16A Block 15 ADF & HuAF JAS39C Gripen received AIM-120 replace semi active radar homing MRAAM

I’m not sure in second major update gajin could add AIM-120C-5 to cdk dev server ?

AV-8B Plus (ITA) increase BR to 12.3 for Air RB & Air SB after add AIM-120B but not sure in ground RB change BR after received JDAM & AGM-65F ?

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give it it’s ground radar as well , and then i might consider it as a good option

GSR 3165 FOX ON A BOX (with ZB298 ground radar)

(the radar in question was proposed on other vehicle such as the FV4201 chieftan , FV601 saladin , the standard FV721 fox , etc …

information gained courtessy of Armoured Archives and other sources


Probably it doesn’t matter much and it’s just intended to test missiles no matter what platform it has (still sad they didn’t allow people who only had Japan, Italy, Germany and Sweden top tier jets to join the test), though in case of AV-8B+ it would be worth imo since it is quite special compared to others (at least it’s subsonic), on the other hand I won’t argue as I didn’t have a chance to participate the test, since I was on a vacation trip at the time of dev-server.

That’s probably MB-326G area, I’m waiting for lower br candidates such as MB-326B, MB-339A or S.211, even G.82 would be nice.
Others are welcome though of course)

@Smin1080p Hey Smin quick question.
this major we get a slider for the amount of fuel we want to take.
can we expect basicly the same slider for “Bomb Series” since a lot of planes would benefit from it.
For example on the F105 a lot of player tend to use 4 Aim 9 Es togheter with 14 750 lb bombs and one base takes 7 of them, but if we want to use “Bomb Series” we can only decide betwen 6 or 12 bombs what makes it a bit of a hassle to drop that extra bomb especially when using CCRP.
Another exaple would be the A4E early with 20 250lb bombs, again we only have the option for 4,6,12,20 bombs at one buttonpush, with a slider we could do 10 bombs at once.
In my opinion a easy feature to add after we got such a slider for Fuel and a lot of people would apreciate it to Drop the exact amount of Bombs at one time like they need/want.


What about France and their domestic ifvs? Cv9035NL?

That would be an awesome addition. For example. Mk13s for Britain is 5 bombs. Having an Option for 5 would be really really good.

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I still think one of the largest travesties in the game is Italy getting the VBC30 and then the uk 2 years later still hasn’t got the Stormer 30 when the 2 are pretty much identical in performance since its the same weapon systems on a different hull