Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

@Smin1080p One last thing

Please for the love of god change this

it’s setting off my OCD I hate the colour change in that



That previous one looks better


Welcome back Smin1080p.

The point is though. Before I created that thread. basic issues like the turning problems were not fixed. Even though that bug report had been submitted nearly 18 months before. I think it was finally acknowledged when I DMed it over to a tech mod. Then it got fixed 6 months later.

As a direct result of that thread and the efforts of that bug list. As well as a reduced bug list that flame submitted on the dev forums last update. We have gotten a dev post (which addressed 4 bug reports) and this remodel which may or may not have fixed one of the biggest issues of the Chally 2. We are still awaiting its final form and there are a number of bug reports regarding this change and changes proposed in the original dev post (like the aluminium backplate) that have yet to be addressed.

But yes, the devs have FINALLY begun looking at the Chally 2 and what the tank is like now compared to what it was like 7 months ago when I originally created that thread is unrecognisable and after 7000+ comments on the main thread and even more on other threads. Even more issues have been identified, researched and reported.

Do I expect every single bug report to be fixed? of course not.
Do I expect that it will make the CR2 a “meta” tank? Of course not.

But Even if some of those issues, on that list are fixed, then it will be a radical improvement for the CR2 and by extension the British ground TT, which unlike most nations, is almost 100% dependent on the performance of a single line of tanks at top tier. If one has a weakness they all share that weakness.

So its a step in the right direction. I appreciate the fact that Gaijin is finally doing something. But I think its fair to say, I dont think we’d have had the progress we’ve had, if it wasnt for that bug list and the effort of many many people putting in a LOT of time and effort on that thread and we still have a very, very long way to go


J-8 Peacepearl ? I guess it would be early premium pre-order pack aircraft to rank 8 for china in the future

I’m not surprised Chengdu J-10A better Shenyang J-8F and good early domestic chinese multirole fighter aircraft

Guizhou FTC-2000G BVR combat better Shenyang J-8F ?

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Yes, absolutely. Buyer can even choose a AESA radar for it. But most of the FTC2000s are sold without AESA radar. They use KLJ-7 Pulse doppler radar.

I find it funny that a roblox game models the armour of the challenger 2 better then WT does lol


Yes yes yes…
But why is it taking so long? There literally stormer warrior, ratel, rooikat, russian bmp(in SA) with different turrets. They don’t need to make a tank from scratch. But its takes too much time for them…

Fox its good, but they can fit fox turret at FV432 hull and add fv432/30)))

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The FV432 hull is already in the game as well, on the swingfire

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I just want an IFV at like 9.0 to 10.3 (the stormer 30 would be amazing if they would actually add it, all it is is the VBC30 turret on a stormer hull)

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Yeah, im all for them adding these lower BR stuff. Like the Fox. It’s a good addition, but they need to prioritise something for 9+ or better yet 10+. That’s why we are all so annoyed, they are adding things in the reverse order

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yeah tbh at 7.0 they are doing alright with the eland 90s and the retals I dont think we needed the fox right now


This is the reason why I gave this example

Ratel is too slow, eland swinging too much

Combined it would be more like 55-60G

Excuse me, FTC-2000G carry 2x IR AAM & 2x BVRAAM on hardpoint it correct ?

I never imagine in second major update gajin could add new fighter aircraft with active radar homing BVRAAM at 12.7 for china tech tree in rank 8 maybe domestic chinese or ROCAF fighter aircraft

I’m not sure F-16A Block 20 MLU could get AIM-120B or AIM-120C in 2nd major update

In the last 3 major updates, 2 of those had Light Tanks for the British tree. The previous major was the launch of Rank VIII which was pre-planned to have the Challenger 3 TD and TES.

Sadly not everything can all come at once, but there are already 3 significant additions for the British ground, air and helicopter trees in this major update.

More things will come in the future.

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Ill be honest smin i think people will complain that britain suffers no matter what at this point, because it did for so long people will never realise that its on its Arc to becoming a actual very capable tech tree again.

Guys, the questions have been answered. Please take it to an appropriate topic.

Off topic trolling wont be tolerated.