Major Update 'Alpha Strike" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Smin polishing the big hammer:


Already part 4 XD crazy

Whole V force would be glorious.

I want Vickers Valiant


Big heavy bomber, high altitude spawn, bombing, and using the HARM. Speaking of the Texas Instruments HARM, how would it really be used in game?


Bring glory to bomber pilots.

Give more medium and stategic bombers to all nations!


Read the rest of the sentence:

I’d thought they’d be added under Sweden since that techtree won’t be getting aircraft carriers w/o them.

oh hey, u guys rushed part 4

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What br would that realistically be, because it will be an xp pinata

i know, still doesn’t make sense

tac view being addictive


Before :

After :

just some science on the airfield AA

Send help i’m going crazy lmao


Yes i hope their is second dev with more

8-8.7 I think.

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honestly dont even know if i want that, because it will be the leo fight all over again

thee most coolest thing in this game.

I wish they made the aircraft trails longer

G’day, you cheeky dole bludgers. Was anything of interest said in the Russian stream?

But not really? It has a bigger engine, and better avionics, so, why?

My problem with this isn’t about certain SPAAs being strong at their BRs, for me it’s about the seemingly inconsistent BR placement of very similar vehicles.

Sure the Type 93 and Ozelot for example are more maneuverable and get thermals (even tho those don’t matter much at all on them), but that doesn’t really seem to justify their BR placements when the PGZ04A and that new ZSU get to be at 9.3

Well Olivia leaked a Ram which is Canadian WW2 tank

Not sure if that would mean anything with Leo

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especially those SAM sites firing, there’s something with those, hard to explain X)

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