Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 4)

its just a fake image where someone has put swiss markings on JAS-39

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They evaluated the C and D variant of the Gripen

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china did, and its the same missile that we already had on the 29G so its not even new rn

As opposed to many overseas student I don’t to CS so I don’t know what the numbers means, but thank you for the help.

Oh god not this again…

Ive had PTSD from pure evaluated aircraft

Especially one evaluated by a nation not in game…

"And what can we say about pythons if they are not in this patch, as the developers wrote. "

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29G, not 29smt?

r73 and magic 2 use the same irccm, so they will act the same

its nothing too cryptic, shouldnt be too hard to understand

so does the ET the ET having the most effective version if I remember correctly

Thank you m8

That Russian pilot watches his kid being dunked on by a mi28a in warthunder because he flew a mi28 with a Swedish general in front for just little 40 minutes…he has so much to regret.


magic 2 and r73 (both) shrink their FOV down to 0.75
27ET to 1.2 iirc (correct me if im wrong, but its something at 1.YX)

It has an equivalent round to the DM73 (SHARD), programmable HE-Frag, improved armor package over even the AZUR add-on kit, improved digital architecture, even better thermal sights (as it’s been passed around to give it gen 4). Maybe a few things I’m forgetting.
But it would be missing things like LWS and internal titanium armor.

Those aren’t Swiss JAS39, they never operated any Grippens

So the image is completely fake then?

i could have swore the ET used the same IRCCM as the R73 and because of it being a longer range missile the shrinking in its vision was much smaller

Well afaik the French SHARD shell pen something like a dozen less than the German one.

Slightly inferior but still really good.

I believe so or at the very least the image of the gripens may be real but the markings are 100% fake

gimbal limit should be 45deg and on base r73 40
both are 45 rn tho