Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 4)

Exactly, but as much i would love to continue this topic lets stop it before it will go too political

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Will the Argentine voices be available for the crews? I swore it would only be for Argentine vehicles.

They stopped reporting Ukrainian losses, making them unreliable.

They will probably add argentinian crew voices someday, but so far the argentinian vehicles use german voices

Whoever thinks Russia is bad is blind.
But from there to seeing the armor values of the T-90M there is an enormous distance. Empirically speaking, perhaps I am wrong, but rationally speaking, those values seem absurd.

The phrases of the following tank crews have received their own unique voice acting: Norwegian, Argentine and Indian.


Ah well, someday is this december then lol


Fun fact the Canadian vehicles don’t have vocielines yet(or well English lines in an accent like the other Englishs). How do I know? The C2 Mexas speaks German.

Also, Fun Fact the Aussies do.

With the BP plane being the only Kiwi vehicle to come to War Thunder I’m going to assume they don’t have vocielines in their accent yet either.

I saw it in the patch notes, although now I’m doubting I looked correctly lol

I wonder how crew voices would be handled if the Yugo TT were added, considering that 4/6 successors speak what is practically an identical language.

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Nah, you’re right, as Motherhen posted, on the dev server they have argentinian voices ready

Not all operator countries ingame also have custom crew voices.

Accents most likely.
Simler what they have been doing for the English nations. as we got 4 of them. US, UK, SA and Australia.

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wait youre american?

That explains a lot

/s ;)

Time for the USSR player base to cannibalize itself in the name of national purity. /s

He’s said so a good amount of times already.

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Well, there are few versions of English in WT
@StormRyder13 beat me to it explaining it…

Not really far fetched to assume that there will be more languages in Yugoslavian tech tree

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too bad i dont look at forums every minute

interesting, never thought id see an american defending russia

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