And people think I’m just talking shit when I say that Italy is nowhere near a bad state in game.
They’ve been getting additions almost as good as Sweden.
They are being pampered hard rn
AMX Ghibli is possible.
huh? Unless this is a different game I thought Canada wasn’t in Company of Heros.
Heck Italy and Japan aren’t in them. Tho they should. I want to make my tank blob out of L3s.
Last year people would say you are completely ignorant. This year Italy got a lot of stuff, but most of them are less than worthy, or have huge niches that they only are useful in a handful of situations. But all of them brings something unique and I have got anything but the AMV(and Hungarian) within 2 days after release.
These who said Italy is bad is because the community has a tendency to laugh at Italy, and probably never played it. Italy is not in a bad shape, just the fact that its top tier MBT(and AA) is a joke practically - where most of the people talks about. It also doesn’t help last year Italy only received trucks and has the reputation of having the worst premium heli and off sale 3 months after its introduction, yada, yada.
I would seriously recommend people to play Italy. 4.0, 5.7/6.0, 6.7, 9.0 thru to 10.3 are all great lineups. 2.3/2.7 offers great seal clubbing potentials. Even if the target is higher tiers, its ground and air premiums are very worthy of its price and the VRCC and 40/MTCA can def keep its place in the lineup even with a full TT researched.
As someone who has gone through every sound file of CoH2 to make a war thunder mod. I can tell you yes they are in the game
They are under command of the UK faction
I mean it is Canadian studios who developed COH2/3, as well as R6 Siege/Extraction and Squad.
And yes Canadian units is coming to COH3, no, you cannot mow down PGs with the skink like in war thunder, and you cannot bully lv2 hq light tanks with ram.
A Sherman Fi…A Challenger 2E is ready to give the enemy a bloody nose!
Fire the tul…fire the ADATS!
Yes I am a shameful vanguard op crutch player(look at my war thunder profile I kept the beret)
When should the Winter event devblog drop? Friday?
@Smin1080p Hi, sorry for the ping. Are there any plans for Yak-141 to recieve the R-73 this update? Thanks!
I see. All I thought they had Canadian was the Sextion. (because they used it in numbers)
Oh, I didn’t even know that.
I haven’t kept up with COH3 list I heard it was COH2 with a graphics update and set in Italy. or well that’s the last I heard of it anyways.
I felt it could have it, otherwise everyone would play the flankers and mig29s and forget this helikopter exists.
Only if they raise its BR
Unfortunatly nothing in terms of new vehicles. I would really like to play my favorite WW2 TD, the QF 3.7 Ram, in other games.
My favourite line:
“Just like driving round Bovington”
Technically speaking this is a prototype SPAA.
As its name comes from the QF 3.7 heavy AA they put on a Ram Hull.
this was Fun Facts with Ryder.
So part from the AMX nothing else new ?
I couldn’t tell AMX International A-11 maybe regular tech tree or event vehicle, and currently WIP & uncomplete in dev server new version
it looks more like the IRL camo now less like an artist’s interpretation from a badly lit photo.