Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 4)

That… is not how sub trees are determined

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Go make a suggestion.

Sub trees are determined by what “fits” the best which is pretty vague but also more importantly, what vics it can offer to the respective main tree its being integrated into and how they fill holes or add playstyles to a tree, ie South Africa to UK offered UK some of its best 9.0-10.0 vics and now a Top tier ASF or Hungary to Italy which added uh a Leopard 2A4 and some cool WW2 stuff


Which like I was saying everything and I mean almost every single vehicle would fill a hole or is something that Japan needs

T-50/FA-50 for CAS sooner then (X)F2A or another F16 hell even the F15K at some point
K21/K200(s) for an ifv (we need a new one desperately) and theres multiple variants open, we need new MBTs and we can get a K2 with APS at some point, or K21 PIP
And most of all itd be nice to at least have Missle Guided SAM as an option with the K-SAM

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Naturally the Chinese tree will be expanded in the future with a variety of vehicles.


No need to give away hidden things away but let’s just play a random game.
If someone says “J9” which country do you think of? China or Sweden?

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@gromvoiny Can japan be expecting a premium tier 7 this patch at all considering it doesnt have one.

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@Smin1080p There will be a second dev server next weekend correct or will there just be an extension of this dev server? Im hoping for the former 🤞 gotta be able to grind the dev server while Im on holiday leave <3

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Honestly the Thai sub tree for japan was really interesting with the M-84 Oplot


I find it kind of strange that people expect the Chengdu J9 because one leak mentioned “J9”, when the P-35 has been datamined, and a leak mentioned the P-35 likely going towards Sweden as the J9. The Chengdu never flew, if it is added then its even more fictional than the F-16AJ or Yak-141. I don’t think people should be expecting that jet any time in the near future. There are plenty of Chinese aircraft which actually flew which can be added to the upper tiers.


That would be T-84, it’s a different tank from M-84.

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Im referencing this
Edit ah yeah it is the T-84


Yeah it gets confused fairly often for fair reasons

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The military relationship between Japan and Korea is not as connected as the military relationship between Japan and UAE
It’s better to find what Japanese tree need in a country with military ties

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Yeah but they have them for balance reasons

Please be real. Please come to the USSR.


Don’t know why people think it’s appropiate to spam the flagging system. This post isn’t it.


It could go to USA or USSR as its a mix
American airframe with soviet weapons


HAHAHA that would be awesome.
Lol.yeah I’d be up for that.
To be fair, at the time when it was sold to them it was a very different Iran than today so would fit under US better. Unless they do a more “modern” worn doen version from after the coup.