Major Update “Air Superiority” - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 4)

Any news on not having a Frankenstein F15 that never existed?

the american f15 is pretty much a F15A MSIP due to having countermeasures…

which means instead of making a literal fake plane, they should just do the F15A MSIP, which is a better engine, and better radar…

so like, a overall its either have a:

  • f15a with no countermeasures
  • full on F15A MSIP with countermeasures, better engine and better radar
  • OR create something completely fake due to “balance”

until i spout nonsense again ~away~

no really, they should just make the f15a for USA F15A MSIP and give it the better radar and engines and call it a day.

reply if you want.

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ah yes US mains need more than 700mm pen round

M829A2 is still sufficient enough the armor on the 1A2 is the issue

this is why US mains a round M829A3
on their abrams
so they can lolpen everything


Itll never pen that much more then DM53 in game though

it will have more pen than DM53

L/44 maybe

I strongly disagree, US does not need a better round at the moment.


Watch them add it in the winter event as a testbed. They gotta keep that German air tradition afterall.

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Now that china is gonna have a strong line up of tanks at the top, I hope they start moving to add more stuff like the type 15 light tank in the future

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mate if china gets new light tanks before the UK or France that is some bullshit

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also one way gaijin can buff nato tanks give us our anti ERA tips for our ammo

What are “light tanks”? (I play Israel btw)


both france and the uk have been waiting for new top tier light tanks since before israel was even in game

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Ikik it was a joke. You guys deserve something decently stabilised for IFV duties.


I actually play all nations so I know your pain

You should specify , that it is not a premium. Before france/uk/israel end up with an ifv for their coming rank 7 premium.
Well for UK that train at least is gone


Im sorry but when has France gotten something first? i cant count how many vehicles have been suggested for franc only for there tree to remain thin and frail

but either way, im parying for a VT-5 or type 15 soon, so i can have a light tank to make hoping into my Jh-7 easier

Any idea of when could it be the update release? this week? next one?

can someone do a bug report that for the f15a MSIP for the engines, i don’t see it and just like chrome not like to sign in the forum, brave and chrome it refuses to sign into the bug report section so i cannot do a bug report.